Seasons Greetings and a Few Statistics from 2020!

“In a year that has been anything but ordinary, Potential Plus UK has done some extraordinary things!” As this unprecedented year draws to a close, I [...]

Fabulous Fascination Folders to Challenge Learners

Fascination Folders, a place where students can access more information and challenging activities about a topic, can be used in the classroom or electronically during remote [...]

Learning about Learning with an Elephant

Non-confrontational lessons and insights from Kaavan the rescue elephant Kaavan’s mental journey is a marvellous and non-intimidating parallel that we can use to teach young people [...]

2024-04-10T14:06:47+01:00December 15th, 2020|Categories: Focus on Potential, Skills Builder, Wellbeing|Tags: , , |

Mobile Photography: 5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Smartphone or Tablet by Gregor Forrest

Today, smartphones and tablets contain all the tools required to create eye-catching photographs and are the best way to start experimenting with photography. I’m a freelance [...]

2021-11-11T17:00:59+00:00December 11th, 2020|Categories: Competition, Focus on Potential|Tags: , |

5 More Ways to Challenge Students in Remote Learning

If you enjoyed last month’s article on challenging students in remote learning, we have 5 more ideas below for you to share with teachers across your [...]

Best Practice in Provision for Dual or Multiple Exceptional (DME) Learners

DME learners have one or more special educational need or disability alongside high ability or achievement. In her 2015 book, Teaching Gifted Children with Special Educational [...]

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