Gifted Children, Socialisation, and Homeschooling

Advertorial, written by Wolsey Hall, Oxford. “Giftedness is an innate ability to both detect and comprehend the world in complex [...]

Transfer from Primary School to Home Education – A Mother’s Perspective

From the Archive This article originally appeared in the Spring 2009 print edition of NAGC Magazine. Resources have been updated February 2023. Hi, my [...]

How Homeschooling Benefits Children’s Overall Well-Being

Advertorial, written by Wolsey Hall, Oxford. A recent survey conducted by homeschooling provider, Wolsey Hall Oxford revealed that 91% of parents [...]

Home Education – May 2020 – by Michael Speranza

Michael is running a vPlus Parent Workshop on Home Education on Wednesday 27th May 8-9pm. “The best place for youngsters to learn is in school.”   That, [...]

Flexi-Cat Diaries: An Accidentally All-The-Rage Special

When Flexi Schooling became Mainstream…Maybe…? Slightly Mad Mummy - In Slightly More Serious Mode! It goes entirely without saying that it has been, and still is, [...]

Ofqual’s Consultation On Exceptional Arrangements For Exam Grading And Assessment In 2020 – Potential Plus UK’s Response

Many thanks to all those families who responded to our survey on the Ofqual consultation about arrangements for exam grading and assessment in 2020, which enabled [...]

Home Education, Exam Cancellations and the Ofqual Consultation, by Michael Speranza

In a year that’s seen the terms ‘lockdown,’ ‘social distancing’ and ’PPE’ added to the common lexicon it might be tempting to view the cancellation of [...]

Coping in the Covid Classroom

In these unprecedented times, convention is going out of the window quicker than you can say defenestration. One of those conventions is school. This is an [...]

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