Supporting Your Child’s Cognitive Development

Intellectual ability refers to a child’s development of thinking skills, which includes their inclination to explore and learn about the world, thus acquiring new knowledge and [...]

Parent Wellbeing – A Resource Round-up to Reassure and Relax

Some days, raising a child with high learning potential can feel like it’s drowning you under a huge wave of demands. The quirky needs, complex questions [...]

2024-10-03T09:52:48+01:00January 26th, 2023|Categories: Focus on Potential, HLP Parenting, Wellbeing|Tags: , |

Navigating the Maze Ahead for Your Child with DME

Every single child, parent, carer, family, professional, school and situation is different. This gives a rich tapestry of views and perspectives you will encounter with and [...]

Being an Equal Partner with Your DME Child’s School

In the past, parents and carers were told what was going to happen to their child in school. Then they were consulted. Then there was parental [...]

Choosing A School For Your High Potential Learner

Each child is different and one size will most definitely not fit all. The suggestions below are for parents and carers to consider, decide what is [...]

2022-02-21T22:23:21+00:00February 21st, 2022|Categories: Focus on Potential, High Learning Potential, HLP Parenting|Tags: , |

Managing the Momentous Meltdowns of Children with High Learning Potential

From the Archive This article originally appeared in the Autumn 2013 print edition of Focus on Potential You are in the supermarket doing your weekly [...]

Parenting Perfectionism

Perfectionism and high learning potential can, unfortunately, be an alarmingly snug fit. Up and down the land, parents of children with high learning potential will attest [...]

Looking after your Mental Health in 2020 by Neera Dhingra, Parliament Hill School

Looking after our mental health, and the mental health of those around us, is more important than ever in 2020, as we live through tricky times [...]

Home Education – May 2020 – by Michael Speranza

Michael is running a vPlus Parent Workshop on Home Education on Wednesday 27th May 8-9pm. “The best place for youngsters to learn is in school.”   That, [...]

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