School Advice Sheets

Potential Plus UK’s advice sheets for schools offer information about good practice regarding children with high learning potential. These advice sheets help schools and academies to better understand the needs of their high potential learners and to provide well for them academically, socially and emotionally.
School Members can access all of our advice sheets and download them free of charge by logging into the members area and visiting the School Member Resources page. The School Advice Sheets are available to non-members to purchase and download at £3.60 each. For a quick way to access our advice sheets see the Advice Sheets for Schools Alphabetical Index

Strategy and High Learning Potential Advice Sheets
Offering guidance to classroom and lead teachers, senior leaders and governors in all school phases, these advice sheets cover topics such as writing policies that cover provision for high learning potential, creating challenge plans for high potential learners, tackling underachievement, and co-planning.
View Strategy and High Learning Potential Advice Sheets

Identification of High Potential Learners Advice Sheets
How should you approach identification of high potential learners? These advice sheets help frame key questions to consider and offer help in identifying common characteristics and profiles of high potential learners.
Visit Identification of High Potential Learners Advice Sheets

Subject Specific Identification of High Potential Learners Advice Sheets
Advice sheets aimed at secondary school subject teachers and high learning potential lead teachers, which contain checklists of criteria, originally compiled by the QCDA (Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency), to help identify students demonstrating high learning potential in specific subject areas.
View Subject Specific Identification of High Potential Learners Advice Sheets

Classroom Practice and High Potential Learners Advice Sheets
How do you plan for and motivate high potential learners? Discover how to create challenge, work on divergent thinking, deal with handwriting difficulties, set up enquiry-based learning, help develop self-regulation, and challenge through high order thinking skills in practice within the classroom.
See Classroom Practice and High Potential Learners Advice Sheets

Social and Emotional Needs of High Potential Learners Advice Sheets
Educating happy, well-rounded and successful learners is important for every teacher. In this set of advice sheets discover more about asynchronous development (a combination of advanced ability in some areas and age or below age ability in others); perfectionism; wellbeing; transition to secondary school.
View Social and Emotional Needs of High Potential Learners Advice Sheets

Dual or Multiple Exceptionality (DME) Advice Sheets
Some learners seem to struggle with an area of their learning and yet leave you in no doubt that they understand exactly what was covered in the lesson. Others may have a special need but not quite fit the classic profile or have a learning need but are too bright for the usual support you can offer. Learn more about how to identify and support learners with Dual or Multiple Exceptionality – high learning potential combined with a disability or special educational need.
View Dual or Multiple Exceptionality Advice Sheets

Parental Engagement Advice Sheets
Discover how to engage and inform parents and carers about high potential learners.
Visit Parental Engagement Advice Sheets