Scholarship Fund

Young child holding a pen

Potential Plus UK fundraises to support families who struggle to afford to pay for the most appropriate opportunities for their high learning potential children. Generous supporters of the charity, including trusts, donors and partners, contribute to our Scholarship Fund which can support children who need an assessment but whose families would struggle to meet the cost.

The fund is available for families on a low income but is not restricted to those in receipt of benefits. The criteria for a decision are based on both the family’s situation and the need of the child. The process of application takes a few weeks.

Families with Family Plus Membership are eligible to apply for the Scholarship Fund. Unfortunately we are not able to offer access to the Scholarship Fund for Family Essentials Members and Associate Family Members. However, Family Essentials Membership upgrades to Family Plus Membership after the first year. Family Plus Members can apply to the Scholarship Fund to help meet the cost of an assessment by sending an email to requesting an application form.

Although we continually fundraise, there are times when we do not have any funding available for allocation to new Scholarship applications.  This does not mean that families cannot apply to the Scholarship Fund, but they do need to understand that it may be some time before we can process the application and this will be done in date order in which they were received.

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Families benefit from access to our advice line, the Members’ Area, our electronic resources, discounted events and our Focus newsletter.

Schools benefit from access to our advice line, online resources, members area, newsletter, workshops, webinars-on-demand, and associate family membership for their parents.