What’s Wrong With Me? – Thea’s Story

What do you do when your child feels that being different – being bright – is wrong? For the parents of Thea*, now aged 9, it [...]

He’s Not a Bad Kid, Just Misunderstood: Ben’s Story

When a teacher says they have never, in 25 years of teaching, met such a stubborn child, you know that you are in for an interesting [...]

My Musical Journey Continues to Go from Strength to Strength by Emmerson Sutton (Age 13)

Young Reporter, Emmerson, is a very active member of the community. He is a Young Advisor to the Young Mayor of Lewisham, a Young Reporter for [...]

2024-08-06T14:18:37+01:00February 25th, 2020|Categories: Family Stories, Reviews and Visits, Young People|Tags: , |
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