55th Anniversary Creative Writing Competition – The Results

Congratulations to all our winners and runners up and thank you to everyone who took part in our 55th Anniversary Creative Writing Competition, raising funds for [...]

Life in the Age of Lockdown Photography Competition – The Winners!

Thank you to everyone who entered our "Life in the Age of Lockdown" Photography Competition. We had a fantastic response. We asked you to send us [...]

2024-07-25T12:37:32+01:00February 21st, 2021|Categories: Competition, Focus on Potential, Skills Builder|

Mobile Photography: 5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Smartphone or Tablet by Gregor Forrest

Today, smartphones and tablets contain all the tools required to create eye-catching photographs and are the best way to start experimenting with photography. I’m a freelance [...]

2021-11-11T17:00:59+00:00December 11th, 2020|Categories: Competition, Focus on Potential|Tags: , |

Penned in Poetry Competition – Ages 12-18 – The Results

Here are the winning and recognised entries in the 12-18 Age Group. The Penned in Poetry competition was well-received with many entries received from around the [...]

Penned in Poetry Competition – Ages 8-11 – The Results

Here are the winning and recognised entries in the 8-11 Age Group of the Penned in Poetry competition. The competition was well-received with many entries received [...]

Penned in Poetry Competition – Ages 3-7 – The Results

Here are the winning and commended poems in the 3-7 Age Group of the Penned in Poetry competition. The competition was well-received with many entries received [...]

Covid-19 Creative Challenge: Penned in Poetry Competition

Has the lockdown got your creative juices flowing? Do you find writing therapeutic? With a little more time on our hands, now is a great time [...]

Fifty Writing Competition Results – Spark

2017 saw the 50th birthday of Potential Plus UK and to celebrate we held a writing competition across our ezines, based – naturally – on the [...]

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