HLP Characteristics

HLP Characteristics Excellent memory Good sense of humour Questions authority Sensitivities Perfectionism Extensive vocabulary Vivid imagination Reasons well Ability with numbers High energy levels Learns rapidly [...]

Thoughts from the ECHA High Ability Conference, 2024

Staff from Potential Plus UK were delighted to take part in this summer’s ECHA conference in Greece. The European Council for High Ability (ECHA) acts as [...]

The Making of High Learning Potential Leaders

By Young Leaders Programme participant Anabel Matambanadzo, aged 16. In 2024 Potential Plus UK invited young people aged 13+, who identified as having high learning potential [...]

Professor Joan Freeman – Obituary

It was with great sadness that Potential Plus UK heard of the passing of Professor Joan Freeman, July 2nd, 2023. Many of our members will have [...]

Campaigning to Improve the Lives of Young People with High Learning Potential

For some time, Potential Plus UK has known that we, as a user-led organisation, should be advocating for the needs and rights of our young [...]

Gifted Children, Socialisation, and Homeschooling

Advertorial, written by Wolsey Hall, Oxford. “Giftedness is an innate ability to both detect and comprehend the world in complex [...]

Supporting Your Child’s Cognitive Development

Intellectual ability refers to a child’s development of thinking skills, which includes their inclination to explore and learn about the world, thus acquiring new knowledge and [...]

Levels of High Learning Potential

When you hear the terms high learning potential, gifted or more/most able, there is a tendency to apply this to children as though they are one [...]

How Homeschooling Benefits Children’s Overall Well-Being

Advertorial, written by Wolsey Hall, Oxford. A recent survey conducted by homeschooling provider, Wolsey Hall Oxford revealed that 91% of parents [...]

Growing Our Future – A National Discussion on Education (Scotland)

The Scottish Government is conducting a National Discussion into the future of Scottish education with the aim of hearing from the widest possible range of voices [...]

2022-11-29T09:44:32+00:00November 29th, 2022|Categories: High Learning Potential, Latest News|Tags: , , , |
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