Executive Function Skills – Simplifying a Young, High Potential Learner’s ‘Thinking’ and ‘Doing’

Introducing the executive function processes that allow the brain to plan, adapt and multitask 'like an air traffic controller'. What Are Executive Function Skills? Executive function [...]

Curiouser and Curiouser – Activities to Encourage Curiosity

Challenge the high learning potential brain to be inquisitive, happy and flourishing. What hobbies, facts or experiences intrigue your young person? Use these as a springboard [...]

Grand Ideas for Garden Games

As the weather gets warmer and the school holidays progress, take advantage of the weather and free time. Here are some games that high learning potential [...]

Developing Thinking Skills Through Board Games

Despite the millions of apps and video games that invade our everyday lives, board games (also known as tabletop games) are making a comeback to the [...]

High Learning Potential Parenting: “Can’t Cope?” – Try Nurturing A Growth Mindset

We all sometimes wail “I CAN’T cope!”, “I am at the END of my patience!”, or “I AM A FAILURE in the face of a child [...]

10 Questions about Mindset and High Learning Potential

How to Understand Fixed Mindset and Encourage Growth Mindset in High Potential Learners The buzzwords ‘growth mindset’ and ‘fixed mindset’ have caused a stir since 2006, [...]

Creative Thinking – ‘Go for a Burst!’

An ice-cool easy way to boost creative thinking skills while you get up to speed with the experts. “The Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling said: [...]

Inspirational Figures: Remarkable Women in STEM

Where is your place in centuries of STEM? All of these individuals are remarkable and span three centuries of Science leading to…today’s STEM-obsessed or Arts/Humanities-focused young [...]

5 Ways to Offset Climate Angst

From ‘Party Bags’ to Psychology Climate change concerns are now being brought into the daily lives of young children. With demonstrations actively seeking the involvement of [...]

Tips For Dealing With Back To School Emotions

Now that we’re into the new school year, are there any issues unsettling your child? They Don’t Want to Get Up and Get Ready Is the [...]

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