About Geraldine Glover

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So far Geraldine Glover has created 270 blog entries.

Covid-19 Creative Challenge: Penned in Poetry Competition

Has the lockdown got your creative juices flowing? Do you find writing therapeutic? With a little more time on our hands, now is a great time [...]

Overexcitabilities: Psychomotor Overexcitability

Children with high learning potential, especially those who display Psychomotor Overexcitability, can be highly energetic, always on the go and may want to be constantly engaged [...]

Developing Thinking Skills Through Board Games

Despite the millions of apps and video games that invade our everyday lives, board games (also known as tabletop games) are making a comeback to the [...]

Adjusting to Life in 2020 – Routines for Positive Self-Care by Joy Morgan, Parliament Hill School

Everyone is adjusting to the rapidly changing landscape of our lives. Familiar routines are changing radically, and it is only natural to be affected, fearful and [...]

Don’t Miss…Growing Up Gifted

The series Growing Up Gifted returns to BBC2 tonight, March 25th, at 9.00p.m. with part two on Wednesday 1st April.  https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09s7mnh/episodes/guide This series follows six teenagers [...]

Coping in the Covid Classroom

In these unprecedented times, convention is going out of the window quicker than you can say defenestration. One of those conventions is school. This is an [...]

The Fabulous Flexi-Cat Lessons – A Love Letter to Sir W.

Slightly Mad Mummy: Entry 3 Charting the fabulous (and fatiguing!) flexi-Fridays with my OE-rich* 8 year old (currently identifying as a cat and a Georgian) February [...]

Ask Away: How To Effectively Advocate & Speak Up For Your Child with High Learning Potential

Supporting your child with high learning potential as they develop may require you asking for extra support. Many parents can find it difficult, uncomfortable or embarrassing [...]

2020-03-18T12:22:47+00:00March 18th, 2020|Categories: Focus on Potential, High Learning Potential|Tags: , |
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