Curiouser and Curiouser – Activities to Encourage Curiosity

Challenge the high learning potential brain to be inquisitive, happy and flourishing. What hobbies, facts or experiences intrigue your young person? Use these as a springboard [...]

Supporting High Potential Learners During Home Learning – Making Learning More Challenging

Are you worried that your child finds their schoolwork too easy? Or that they are not motivated to try at tasks? Could this be a good [...]

Apps, Screen Use and Balance for Young People with High Learning Potential

Should you encourage your high learning potential (HLP) young person to use meaningful apps – or to put down their gadgets? The latest research is contradictory [...]


If you expect the unexpected, will the unexpected still be expected? Can you touch the wind? If there was a magic pill that meant that you [...]

Grand Ideas for Garden Games

As the weather gets warmer and the school holidays progress, take advantage of the weather and free time. Here are some games that high learning potential [...]

Developing Thinking Skills Through Board Games

Despite the millions of apps and video games that invade our everyday lives, board games (also known as tabletop games) are making a comeback to the [...]

Fabulous February: Feel Good Ideas

Getting up on dark mornings, possibly craving more sleep, then braving the cold outside, can make even the most energetic child with high learning potential feel [...]

Creative Thinking – ‘Go for a Burst!’

An ice-cool easy way to boost creative thinking skills while you get up to speed with the experts. “The Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling said: [...]

Design It (B)Right!

Although many schools, in a bid to raise achievement in compulsory subjects, have cut GCSE Design & Technology from their syllabus, it’s the subject that brings [...]

20 Questions About “Pumice Rafts” – Cross-curricular Jump-off Points for Learning

Are you a teacher, home-educator or actively involved parent or guardian of a youngster with High Learning Potential (HLP)? Then you know the importance of finding [...]

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