Inspirational Figures: For Dual or Multiple Exceptional Learners – A Focus on ADHD

10% of children with High Learning Potential face significant personal hurdles, according to the most recent government statistics analysed by Potential Plus UK. These high potential [...]

Thumbs Up to Failure by Prof. Rhys C. Jones

Sooner or later you will fail at something in your life, it’s going to happen! It’s very likely that you have already failed at something. And [...]

Navigating the Maze Ahead for Your Child with DME

Every single child, parent, carer, family, professional, school and situation is different. This gives a rich tapestry of views and perspectives you will encounter with and [...]

Inspirational Figures: For Dual or Multiple Exceptional Learners – A Focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder

10% of children with High Learning Potential face significant personal hurdles, according to the most recent government statistics analysed by Potential Plus UK. These high potential [...]

Inspirational Figures: For Dual or Multiple Exceptional Learners – A Focus on Dyslexia and Dyspraxia

10% of children with high learning potential face significant personal hurdles, according to the most recent government statistics analysed by Potential Plus UK. These high potential [...]

What to Say About Their High Learning Potential

Describing Your Child’s Abilities to Others, Their School – and Themselves! For some reason, it can be particularly uncomfortable to talk about your own [...]

2023-04-11T16:20:46+01:00September 30th, 2021|Categories: Focus on Potential, High Learning Potential, Skills Builder|Tags: |

Review Time – The Summer Reading Challenge 2021!

It’s review time for the Summer Reading Challenge 2021! Each year, we ask our members to read and review five books for us that they have [...]

Building Friendships – Finding Friends When You Have High Learning Potential

When it comes to friendships, children aren't really that different to us as adults; they are more likely to be drawn towards those with whom they [...]

2024-10-03T10:00:07+01:00June 30th, 2021|Categories: Focus on Potential, High Learning Potential, Skills Builder, Wellbeing|Tags: |

Self-Regulated Learning – Being Aware of How You Learn Best

Self-Regulation Self-regulation means the ability to ‘regulate yourself’; to appropriately monitor your thoughts, control your reactions and respond appropriately to your environment. Ideally, your end goal [...]

2023-04-11T16:27:13+01:00April 26th, 2021|Categories: Focus on Potential, Schools, Skills Builder|Tags: |

Education – Rethinking the Assessment System by Joy Morgan

Assessment is due a rethink. Our young people deserve an assessment system that goes way beyond focusing solely on academic achievement with a constant eye on [...]

2024-08-06T10:19:34+01:00April 26th, 2021|Categories: Focus on Potential, Schools, Skills Builder|Tags: , |
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