Supporting High Potential Learners During Home Learning – Supporting Motivation

This blog series covers several ways to support high learning potential children during home learning by making it more challenging, increasing motivation or developing thinking skills. [...]

Supporting High Potential Learners During Home Learning – Making Learning More Challenging

Are you worried that your child finds their schoolwork too easy? Or that they are not motivated to try at tasks? Could this be a good [...]

Overexcitabilities: Imaginational Overexcitability

Children with high learning potential, especially those who display Imaginational Overexcitability, can have the most wonderfully wild imaginations and immense creativity, but they may also find [...]

Children with High Learning Potential – How to Handle Disappointment

With their heightened awareness and deep responses, children with high learning potential (HLP) may well feel disappointment more keenly. Lesley Sword, in Gifted Children: Emotionally Immature [...]

2020-05-12T10:44:32+01:00April 27th, 2020|Categories: Focus on Potential, High Learning Potential, Wellbeing|Tags: |

Home Education, Exam Cancellations and the Ofqual Consultation, by Michael Speranza

In a year that’s seen the terms ‘lockdown,’ ‘social distancing’ and ’PPE’ added to the common lexicon it might be tempting to view the cancellation of [...]

Introducing Family Essentials Membership

During these unprecedented times Potential Plus UK is making resources and support widely available to all families and schools through our posts of activities, articles and [...]

Overexcitabilities: Intellectual Overexcitability

Children with high learning potential, especially those who display Intellectual Overexcitability, are highly curious and voracious in their pursuit of knowledge in their areas of interest. [...]

Don’t Miss…Growing Up Gifted

The series Growing Up Gifted returns to BBC2 tonight, March 25th, at 9.00p.m. with part two on Wednesday 1st April. This series follows six teenagers [...]

Ask Away: How To Effectively Advocate & Speak Up For Your Child with High Learning Potential

Supporting your child with high learning potential as they develop may require you asking for extra support. Many parents can find it difficult, uncomfortable or embarrassing [...]

2020-03-18T12:22:47+00:00March 18th, 2020|Categories: Focus on Potential, High Learning Potential|Tags: , |

Ofsted Reports – New Study Shows 44% of Schools Needed Change to More Able Provision

Ofsted inspection reports are just one tool parents use when deciding what school would be a good fit for their child. Potential Plus UK is a [...]

2020-03-04T13:33:41+00:00February 20th, 2020|Categories: Focus on Potential, High Learning Potential, Latest News|Tags: , |
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