Disadvantaged High Potential Learners by Joy Morgan

An important group at risk of underachieving across the UK is high potential learners from disadvantaged backgrounds.  Even where this group is making good progress, it [...]

2022-08-15T15:06:20+01:00May 28th, 2021|Categories: Focus on Potential|Tags: , , |

What I Want Every Teacher to Know by Occupational Therapist Mariza Ferreira

In this new occasional series by Paediatric Occupational Therapist Mariza Ferreira, we consider some of the sensory, motor coordination and emotional regulatory issues which could be [...]

Self-Regulated Learning – Being Aware of How You Learn Best

Self-Regulation Self-regulation means the ability to ‘regulate yourself’; to appropriately monitor your thoughts, control your reactions and respond appropriately to your environment. Ideally, your end goal [...]

2023-04-11T16:27:13+01:00April 26th, 2021|Categories: Focus on Potential, Schools, Skills Builder|Tags: |

Education – Rethinking the Assessment System by Joy Morgan

Assessment is due a rethink. Our young people deserve an assessment system that goes way beyond focusing solely on academic achievement with a constant eye on [...]

2023-04-11T16:27:37+01:00April 26th, 2021|Categories: Focus on Potential, Schools, Skills Builder|Tags: , |

6 Contemporary Writing Prompts to Inspire More Able Writers

Inspiring prose prompts for more able learners not only offer them a challenge but will also support their communication skills, improve vocabulary and provide them with [...]

2023-06-05T10:31:28+01:00March 22nd, 2021|Categories: Focus on Potential, Schools|Tags: , |

One Occupational Therapist’s Journey into Dual or Multiple Exceptionality by Mariza Ferreira

One Occupational Therapist’s Journey into Discovering How Her Profession is the Vital Link for Helping Children With Dual Or Multiple Exceptionality by Mariza [...]

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