Extension and Enrichment in Learning

Extension and enrichment are two ways of making learning more challenging for learners with higher ability. This article discusses the difference between them and provides examples [...]

Parenting Perfectionism

Perfectionism and high learning potential can, unfortunately, be an alarmingly snug fit. Up and down the land, parents of children with high learning potential will attest [...]

I Believe in Me!

Positive Self-Esteem for High Potential Learners – How to Help Them Believe and Thrive Self-esteem can be summarised as the opinion we have of ourselves. Positive [...]

The Importance of Drama in the Development of Children by Rachel Lewin

Often, when choosing GCSE options at school, students open up about their dilemmas – “I want to do Drama, but it clashes with something that my [...]

Creative Thinking Skills: Activities for Arts to Sciences

How to Support Innovative Young Mathematicians, Artists, Writers and Scientists How can you possibly stimulate the mind of a young person who not only has high [...]

Creativity of Thought

Creative thinking, concerning the innovation of new ideas and the ability to think about things in new ways, whilst sometimes seen as a welcome yet mysterious [...]

Introducing Drama to Your Child by Mary Benzies

From a young age, roleplay becomes an essential learning tool for a child. As we get older, this vital, natural instinct, which has a proven track [...]

2023-04-11T16:44:29+01:00August 17th, 2020|Categories: Focus on Potential, Skills Builder|Tags: , , , , |

Executive Function Skills – Simplifying a Young, High Potential Learner’s ‘Thinking’ and ‘Doing’

Introducing the executive function processes that allow the brain to plan, adapt and multitask 'like an air traffic controller'. What Are Executive Function Skills? Executive function [...]

Supporting a Child in the Five Areas of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand and manage our own emotions and the emotions of others. Its development is distinct from the development of academic [...]

Emotional Intelligence and High Learning Potential

Whilst there is a common acceptance of the importance of academic aptitude when it comes to life chances, it is by no means the only kind [...]

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