Making a Great Start with New Parents/Carers

This blog explores how schools can develop supportive, constructive partnerships with parents and carers to benefit their children. Schools and colleges are busy places with many [...]

Bullying and Children with High Learning Potential by CBT Therapist, Tony Freeman

In 15 years of treating gifted children (also known as children with high learning potential / high ability / more able), I have seen the unique [...]

2022-04-26T10:48:32+01:00April 26th, 2022|Categories: Focus on Potential, High Learning Potential, Wellbeing|Tags: , , |

Being an Equal Partner with Your DME Child’s School

In the past, parents and carers were told what was going to happen to their child in school. Then they were consulted. Then there was parental [...]

Worrying Times – A Resource Round-Up for Real-World Anxieties

In these worrying and unpredictable times, many of our children and young people are, sadly, struggling to cope. The years usually set aside for pre-school socialising, [...]

Supporting Your Child with Dual or Multiple Exceptionality at Home

The term dual or multiple exceptionality (DME) is used in the UK to describe individuals who have both a special educational need/ disability/ neurodiversity/ mental health [...]

10 Useful Things to Know About Supporting Pupils With Dual or Multiple Exceptionality (DME) In School

The term dual or multiple exceptionality (DME) is used in the UK to describe individuals who have both a special educational need or disability (SEND) and [...]

Too Busy, Too Bright, Too Loud… I Just Can’t Concentrate! by Mariza Ferreira

How to Help THIS Child in the Classroom In this occasional series by Paediatric Occupational Therapist Mariza Ferreira, we consider some of the sensory, motor [...]

Strategic Mentoring for High Potential Learners

This blog explores how schools can create confident, successful learners from the outset. Strategic, early mentoring, underpins the nurturing of academic skills and routines needed for [...]

2022-03-14T15:42:36+00:00March 14th, 2022|Categories: Focus on Potential, Schools|Tags: , |

Be Curious Weekend 30th April – 1st May 2022

Booking is now open for the Be Curious Weekend 2022! Two Days of Family Fun, Exploration and Learning Booking Link: Member Rates [...]

2022-03-15T16:32:07+00:00March 9th, 2022|Categories: Events, Focus on Potential|Tags: , |

Inspirational Figures: For Dual or Multiple Exceptional Learners – A Focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder

10% of children with High Learning Potential face significant personal hurdles, according to the most recent government statistics analysed by Potential Plus UK. These high potential [...]

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