Last Minute “Triple Lock” on ‘A’ Level Exam Results – A Comment

Potential Plus UK’s main concern with Ofqual’s exam procedure and standardisation model has always been the likelihood of a negative impact on high ability students from [...]

Executive Function Skills – Simplifying a Young, High Potential Learner’s ‘Thinking’ and ‘Doing’

Introducing the executive function processes that allow the brain to plan, adapt and multitask 'like an air traffic controller'. What Are Executive Function Skills? Executive function [...]

Supporting a Child in the Five Areas of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand and manage our own emotions and the emotions of others. Its development is distinct from the development of academic [...]

Emotional Intelligence and High Learning Potential

Whilst there is a common acceptance of the importance of academic aptitude when it comes to life chances, it is by no means the only kind [...]

Using Visual Arts to Foster Creative Thinking Skills

“A drawing is the three-way relationship between substance, surface and body. It activates the relationships between the eye and the hand, the hand and the tool, [...]

Do You Have What it Takes to be a Super STEM Spin Doctor?

You’ve probably heard the joke “What did Watson and Crick discover? Rosalind Franklin’s notes.”? Well, at the risk of party-pooperdom by picking apart a brilliant one-liner, [...]

From Sixth Form to University by Daniel Dipper, Year 13

As a Year 13 student who went through the admissions process last year, I know that applying to university can be a serious challenge. What I [...]

Urgent Improvement Needed: How the Exam Process Will Wreck the Chances of Thousands by Daniel Dipper, Year 13.

“I and thousands of students in a similar position to me across the country can only hope that Ofqual will do what every student does after [...]

Super STEM Soirées to Save Us from the Sorrow of Sameness

There are many great science lessons out there at the moment on that remarkable interweb contraption, and lots of great science kits and subscriptions, too, but [...]

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