Being an Equal Partner with Your DME Child’s School

In the past, parents and carers were told what was going to happen to their child in school. Then they were consulted. Then there was parental [...]

Choosing A School For Your High Potential Learner

Each child is different and one size will most definitely not fit all. The suggestions below are for parents and carers to consider, decide what is [...]

2022-02-21T22:23:21+00:00February 21st, 2022|Categories: Focus on Potential, High Learning Potential, HLP Parenting|Tags: , |

10 Key Factors in Educating Young People with Dual or Multiple Exceptionality (DME)

Potential Plus UK’s Senior Education Consultant and Director of the DME Trust, Rebecca Howell, distils the important factors in providing high quality education for young people [...]

The HLP Diaries: The Tale of the Terrifying Trap

To celebrate Potential Plus UK's new members' only area, here is a tale to remind us just why, even as perennially pooped parents, we all continue [...]

Disadvantaged High Potential Learners by Joy Morgan

An important group at risk of underachieving across the UK is high potential learners from disadvantaged backgrounds.  Even where this group is making good progress, it [...]

2022-08-15T15:06:20+01:00May 28th, 2021|Categories: Focus on Potential|Tags: , , |

The Goldilocks Dilemma: Finding the Right School for Your Child with High Learning Potential

It’s a tricky thing, finding a school for a high learning potential (HLP) child. As the ultimate square pegs, it is never going to be simple [...]

Fabulous Fascination Folders to Challenge Learners

Fascination Folders, a place where students can access more information and challenging activities about a topic, can be used in the classroom or electronically during remote [...]

Tips For Dealing With Back To School Emotions

Now that we’re into the new school year, are there any issues unsettling your child? They Don’t Want to Get Up and Get Ready Is the [...]

How to Stand Up to Your Head Teacher by Lola P. (Aged 6)

Do you think that your school has got their discipline right? Lola, aged 6, reflects on the "Triple Rs" in her school. At school they have [...]

2019-03-05T10:40:20+00:00March 5th, 2019|Categories: Focus on Potential, Observations and Reflections, Young People|Tags: , |
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