5 Ways to Offset Climate Angst

From ‘Party Bags’ to Psychology Climate change concerns are now being brought into the daily lives of young children. With demonstrations actively seeking the involvement of [...]

To Plateau or Soar? Helping Children with High Learning Potential Forge Ahead

Being far ahead academically is a trait shared by many children with high learning potential (HLP). They surprise you with a depth of specialist knowledge in [...]

2023-04-11T17:10:06+01:00October 14th, 2019|Categories: Focus on Potential, High Learning Potential, Skills Builder|Tags: |

20 Questions About “Pumice Rafts” – Cross-curricular Jump-off Points for Learning

Are you a teacher, home-educator or actively involved parent or guardian of a youngster with High Learning Potential (HLP)? Then you know the importance of finding [...]

Tips For Dealing With Back To School Emotions

Now that we’re into the new school year, are there any issues unsettling your child? They Don’t Want to Get Up and Get Ready Is the [...]

Surviving the Start of Secondary School

Joining secondary school is a major event and, with the autumn term beckoning, it’s possible that you will have mixed emotions about it. Whether you’re a [...]

Early Years Settings – 5 Key Factors in Choosing for Your Child with High Learning Potential

Few decisions seem more important than those regarding the education of a child in our care. Even before school age, parents and carers can agonise for [...]

Operation Squirrel – Mission Accomplished!

The Mission: “A spy has infiltrated Bletchley Park and is sending messages to their handler via a secret wireless access point somewhere in the grounds. Break [...]

The 2019 Potential Plus UK Summer Reading Challenge

It's time to get reading in our annual Summer reading challenge. The Summer Reading Challenge is about going that bit deeper.  Children and Young People read [...]

2023-04-11T17:15:40+01:00June 18th, 2019|Categories: Challenges, Focus on Potential, Skills Builder|Tags: , , |

Building Empathy

Understanding Empathy Human beings and other living creatures may have felt empathy for millennia, however a word for it has only existed in the English language [...]

Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket!

There are many great inventors in the world who are famed for one discovery yet chose not to stop there. Ideas were taken further and developed [...]

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