Grow Their Giftedness: Tips and Activities for Children with High Learning Potential

Your child has such a passion for learning that sometimes you feel that you just can’t keep up. What do you do next? Not sure? Dip [...]

15 Great Family Days Out for High Learning Potential Teenagers

Sometimes, finding activities to do as a family with teenagers can be the most challenging part of a holiday. Particularly teenagers with high learning potential! [...]

Surprising Shapes and Higher Thinking Skills

“To be equipped to work at a higher level in the long term, children with high learning potential need to experience higher-order thinking skills; analysis, [...]

Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket!

There are many great inventors in the world who are famed for one discovery yet chose not to stop there. Ideas were taken further and developed [...]

Bodies: Beyond the Superficial

Vast, complex, puzzling... those descriptions of the human body might also fit a child with high learning potential. The body and its health provide an excellent [...]

Ball Games, Pets and Crisp Packets! – Crafty Up-Cycling and Easy Re-Using

Sports When you look in your cupboard, do you have a pile of things like old football boots, tennis balls or dance costumes? Do you get [...]

Not So Horrible History

Who remembers their school history lessons? Learning facts from textbooks and rarely going on an actual trip can be very dry. But the success of historical [...]

Multimedia Inspiration – Using Film to Inspire Cross-Curricular High Potential Learning

Keeping a child with high learning potential engaged with the curriculum can require the interweaving of multiple subjects, levels and brain regions at the same time. [...]

Explore Your World

There’s so much about geography to excite a very able child, simply because many aspects will appeal to their curiosity. They may have a real interest [...]

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