Ball Games, Pets and Crisp Packets! – Crafty Up-Cycling and Easy Re-Using

Sports When you look in your cupboard, do you have a pile of things like old football boots, tennis balls or dance costumes? Do you get [...]

Not So Horrible History

Who can remember their school history lessons? The chances are that you may recall learning facts from textbooks and rarely going on an actual trip. But [...]

The Globe Theatre by Benjamin S. (aged 10)

In January 2019, I started the year off with some history by visiting "The Globe", a reconstruction of Shakespeare’s theatre! It is on the [...]

2019-03-05T12:25:10+00:00February 5th, 2019|Categories: Focus on Potential, Reviews and Visits, Young Reporters|Tags: , , |

Multimedia Inspiration – Using Film to Inspire Cross-Curricular High Potential Learning

Keeping a  child with high learning potential engaged with the curriculum can require the interweaving of multiple subjects, levels and brain regions at the same time. [...]

Explore Your World

There’s so much about geography to excite a very able child, simply because many aspects will appeal to their curiosity. They may have a real interest [...]

Creative Calendars and Calculations

You can stop and think about how we measure time on any day in the year. You could make something special using crafts, science, maths or [...]

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