About Geraldine Glover

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So far Geraldine Glover has created 270 blog entries.

Building Empathy

Understanding Empathy Human beings and other living creatures may have felt empathy for millennia, however a word for it has only existed in the English language [...]

Suffragette Walking Tour by Kerensa L. (Aged 8)

Following on from Emma's blog about her mock trial as the Suffragette Mary Richardson at the Royal Courts of Justice, Young Reporter Kerensa shares with us [...]

2019-05-21T19:41:42+01:00May 21st, 2019|Categories: Focus on Potential, Reviews and Visits, Young Reporters|Tags: , |

Surprising Shapes and Higher Thinking Skills

“To be equipped to work at a higher level in the long term, children with HLP [high learning potential] need to experience higher-order thinking skills; [...]

Success of Potential Plus UK’s Support for Disadvantaged Families

"Thank you for helping me get my daughter back. Without this report she would have had a mental health crisis due to school not understanding her" [...]

2024-07-16T13:07:40+01:00May 14th, 2019|Categories: Focus on Potential, Latest News|Tags: , , |

Jeff Forshaw – The Forthcoming 2019 Cheltenham Science Festival

Jeff Forshaw is Professor of Particle Physics at Manchester University. As an ambassador for Potential Plus UK, he has supported the charity with fascinating talks at [...]

2020-06-17T14:25:27+01:00May 7th, 2019|Categories: Ambassadors and Trustees, Focus on Potential, STEM|Tags: , |

Suffragette Mock Trial by Emma H. (Aged 10)

I recently attended a Mock Trial at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. They run school workshops but we went as a home education group. [...]

Fingers on Buzzers by Bobby Seagull

Maths educator Bobby Seagull is Potential Plus UK’s newest Ambassador.  Co-presenter of the podcast @MathsAppeal, and of the BBC TV Series Monkman & Seagull's Genius Guide [...]

Gut Microorganisms – Are You Feeding the Yeast Monster? by Luca W. (Aged 11)

Have You Got a Stomach Ache or Other Gut Related Symptoms? It might be due to micro-organisms in your gut called yeast - not the same [...]

2020-06-17T14:25:27+01:00April 24th, 2019|Categories: Focus on Potential, STEM, Young Reporters|Tags: , , |
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