Ofsted is consulting on its proposals for changes to the Education Inspection Framework, which comes into effect in September 2019.

The Consultation Closes at 11.45pm on 5 April 2019

Potential Plus UK has looked in detail at the Framework and formed its response in relation to the needs of the most ableÂı.

Summary of Potential Plus UK’s Findings and Response

Potential Plus UK welcomes the focus on the quality of education that a student receives as highlighted throughout the Framework. Most able learners frequently have starting points that are above and beyond age-related expectations. The emphasis on the quality of their education should lead to an environment that delivers for the individual child regardless of the child’s starting point. However, the Framework does present some concerns in relation to the needs of the most able.

  1. Quality of education: Good quality education for most able learners requires suitable cognitive challenge. The Framework lacks specific mention of cognitive challenge for this group of learners.
  2. Inclusion: Inclusion for most able, most able disadvantaged and most able pupils with SEND² relies on equality of challenge so that they can develop cognitive resilience, leadership and problem-solving skills. Inclusion for most able learners requires this to be integral to the Framework.
  3. Highlighting specific learner groups: There is limited focus on specific learner groups in the Framework. There is only one reference to most able pupils.
  4. Personal development: The personal development of most able learners is hindered when tasks are not challenging enough for them to develop resilience and self-regulation.

To address these concerns Potential Plus UK has suggested wording that should be added to the Framework to ensure that most able learners have an educational experience that is suitable for their needs.

Read Potential Plus UK’s full response to the Ofsted Consultation here:  Potential Plus UK Response School Inspection Framework March 2019 

Now It’s Up To You

Add your voice to the consultation process. If, as a school, other provider or parent/carer, you have concerns about the Framework in relation to the needs of the most able, now is the time to respond:

The changes in the Framework will be applied in state schools in England and some independent schools. Read more: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/education-inspection-framework-2019-inspecting-the-substance-of-education


Âı In our response we have used the term ‘most able’ to be consistent with Ofsted’s terminology, whilst highlighting that we use ‘high learning potential’ as an alternative to ‘gifted’ or ‘most able’
²Dual or multiple exceptionality describes individuals who have one or more special educational needs or disabilities and who are also most able