Early Years Settings – 5 Key Factors in Choosing for Your Child with High Learning Potential

Few decisions seem more important than those regarding the education of a child in our care. Even before school age, parents and carers can agonise for [...]

Inspirational Figures: For Dual or Multiple Exceptional Learners – Millie Bobby Brown

10% of children with high learning potential face significant personal hurdles, according to the most recent government statistics analysed by Potential Plus UK. These learners are [...]

Domino Art – Activities and Facts about this Fascinating Craze!

What is Moving, Clicking, Exciting Domino Art?  Domino Artists from around the world take part in Domino Shows with people who love creating [...]

Modern Learning Trends – Three Motivational Ideas for a Home or School Setting

When it comes to motivating youngsters to learn, new approaches are always of interest. Here are three ideas that value each student and their individual interests. [...]

Firework Activities!

Whether you love or hate fireworks, let them spark your ideas...  Some children find fireworks exciting, colourful and full of amazing science. Other youngsters dislike them [...]

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