15 Great Family Days Out for High Learning Potential Teenagers

Wellcome Collection, London FREE  www.wellcomecollection.org Called “the free destination for the incurably curious”, the Wellcome Collection has all things quirky to appeal to gifted teens, such [...]

REAch2Trust Conference – More Able Pupils

After identifying through Ofsted reports that a significant number of the 61 primary schools in the trust needed to improve provision for their More Able Pupils, [...]

Julie’s Diary – The Launch of the CFEE Report “What Works in Gifted Education?”

It was with great interest that I attended the launch last week of the latest report from the Centre for Education Economics (CfEE) entitled:  ‘What works [...]

Supporting the Differing Profiles of Children with High Learning Potential

From the Archive This article was originally issued in the Spring 2013 edition of the print edition of Focus on Potential Members may have read about [...]

The Misidentification & Misdiagnosis of Gifted Children

This article was written by a Potential Plus UK volunteer who wishes to remain anonymous. The above average ability child found in most classes, may often [...]

Why I Support High Learning Potential Children

Lee Collins, Ambassador for Potential Plus UK, writes about his reasons for supporting children with high learning potential. As this is my first blog I thought [...]

Why Are We Talking Apples and Pears?

I was always taught that it is only by understanding the past that we can learn for the future. In preparation for our 50th birthday celebrations [...]

Belonging and High Learning Potential Children

The desire for humans to belong is said to be such a fundamental human motivation that there are severe emotional consequences of not belonging (Baumeister and [...]

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