Surviving the Start of Secondary School

Joining secondary school is a major event and, with the autumn term beckoning, it’s possible that you will have mixed emotions about it. Whether you’re a [...]

Early Years Settings – 5 Key Factors in Choosing for Your Child with High Learning Potential

Few decisions seem more important than those regarding the education of a child in our care. Even before school age, parents and carers can agonise for [...]

Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket!

There are many great inventors in the world who are famed for one discovery yet chose not to stop there. Ideas were taken further and developed [...]

High Learning Potential Parenting: Understand Your Challenges

When your baby starts to show signs of being bright and energetic, you might feel relieved and proud. As he or she grows into an opinionated, [...]

Ball Games, Pets and Crisp Packets! – Crafty Up-Cycling and Easy Re-Using

Sports When you look in your cupboard, do you have a pile of things like old football boots, tennis balls or dance costumes? Do you get [...]

Not So Horrible History

Who can remember their school history lessons? The chances are that you may recall learning facts from textbooks and rarely going on an actual trip. But [...]

Multimedia Inspiration – Using Film to Inspire Cross-Curricular High Potential Learning

Keeping a  child with high learning potential engaged with the curriculum can require the interweaving of multiple subjects, levels and brain regions at the same time. [...]

Inspirational Figures: For Dual or Multiple Exceptional Learners – Millie Bobby Brown

10% of High Learning Potential (HLP) children face significant personal hurdles, according to the most recent government statistics analysed by Potential Plus UK. These HLP learners [...]

Top Tinkering

Following on from the Engineer It article, this introduction to tinkering for younger children suggests how you can connect your child to design, which is one [...]

Engineer It!

2018 is the Year of Engineering, which celebrates the everyday role of engineering through design, building and using structures. Children are never too young to enjoy [...]

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