My Musical Journey Continues to Go from Strength to Strength by Emmerson Sutton (Age 13)

Young Reporter, Emmerson, is a very active member of the community. He is a Young Advisor to the Young Mayor of Lewisham, a Young Reporter for [...]

2024-08-06T14:18:37+01:00February 25th, 2020|Categories: Family Stories, Reviews and Visits, Young People|Tags: , |

The Tunnel of Adventure – by Adam Rafael Holmes (Aged 10)

Potential Plus UK Young Reporter Adam Rafael Holmes has had an eventful 2019. In February he was the recipient of the Above and Beyond Young Person's [...]

Meteora by Iona Mandal (Aged 13)

This Christmas holiday, I visited Meteora, a rock formation in central Greece. It hosts one of the largest and most precipitously built complexes of six Eastern Orthodox [...]

2020-01-21T18:23:02+00:00January 21st, 2020|Categories: Fiction, Focus on Potential, Reviews and Visits, Young People|Tags: |

Three-Player Chess by Antonio B. (Aged 10)

  Introduction I think that three-player chess is a great game to play, because not only are you being attacked from one side, but from another [...]

2019-12-17T10:30:40+00:00December 17th, 2019|Categories: Focus on Potential, Observations and Reflections, Young People|Tags: , , |

Summer Reading Challenge 2019 – The Reviews

It’s time for the Summer Reading Challenge 2019 Reviews! We asked our members to read and review a minimum of five books that they chose as [...]

F1’s Greatest : Lewis Hamilton – by Benjamin S. (Aged 10)

When he finished the Monaco Grand Prix in 1st place with a flat tyre (!), Lewis Hamilton became only the second Brit after Nigel Mansell [...]

Kings & Queens, Time Machines! by Kerensa L. (Aged 9)

Every June, a day full of history and pageantry takes place at Windsor Castle -  a grand procession and chapel service celebrating the Knights of the [...]

2019-09-17T16:53:16+01:00September 17th, 2019|Categories: Focus on Potential, Reviews and Visits, Young People|Tags: , |

How Animals and Birds Relax Me – Luca W. (Aged 11)

Luca, aged 11, struggles with colour sensitivity. Some shades of white can help him feel better, including the colour of his doves. In this article and [...]

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