Inspirational Figures: For Dual or Multiple Exceptional Learners – Ellie Simmonds, Stephen Wiltshire and Kim Peek

10% of High Learning Potential (HLP) children face significant personal hurdles, according to the most recent government statistics analysed by Potential Plus UK. These HLP learners [...]

Autumn is Awesome!

Autumn’s rich colour palette and abundance of natural materials calls out for a pre-school child’s involvement. Learn about finding evidence, gain observation skills and have a [...]

Book Recommendations from 2017 from One High Learning Potential Child to Another…

The Potential Plus UK 2017 Summer Reading Challenge asked children to read and review a minimum of five books that they chose as a challenge to [...]

Fifty Writing Competition Results – Spark

2017 saw the 50th birthday of Potential Plus UK and to celebrate we held a writing competition across our ezines, based – naturally – on the [...]

Fifty Writing Competition Results – Fuse

2017 saw the 50th birthday of Potential Plus UK and to celebrate we held a writing competition across our ezines, based – naturally – on the [...]

Why Boredom Could be Good for High Learning Potential Children

From the Archive This article, written by former Chief Executive, Denise Yates, was originally issued in the Spring 2013 edition of Focus on Potential. 1. Introduction [...]

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