Adjusting to Life in 2020 – Routines for Positive Self-Care by Joy Morgan, Parliament Hill School

Everyone is adjusting to the rapidly changing landscape of our lives. Familiar routines are changing radically, and it is only natural to be affected, fearful and [...]

Don’t Miss…Growing Up Gifted

The series Growing Up Gifted returns to BBC2 tonight, March 25th, at 9.00p.m. with part two on Wednesday 1st April. This series follows six teenagers [...]

Exploring How to Support Disadvantaged and SEND Learners with High Learning Potential

Over the last month Potential Plus UK has been busy highlighting the needs and exploring ways to support disadvantaged learners with high learning potential, as well [...]

2022-04-19T12:18:22+01:00December 3rd, 2019|Categories: Events, Focus on Potential, Schools|Tags: , , |

What Is Ofsted Looking For In Schools That Will Benefit Our Young People With High Learning Potential?

Ofsted is the inspection body for schools in England Back in March this year I wrote about Ofsted’s consultation on its proposed Education Inspection Framework and [...]

Flying High: Securing Levels 9-7 at GCSE by Joy Morgan, Parliament Hill School

Joy Morgan is the Specialist Leader of Education at Parliament Hill School, London.  Parliament Hill School received the Above and Beyond Awards Effective Provision in School [...]

20 Questions About “Pumice Rafts” – Cross-curricular Jump-off Points for Learning

Are you a teacher, home-educator or actively involved parent or guardian of a youngster with High Learning Potential (HLP)? Then you know the importance of finding [...]

Bodies: Beyond the Superficial

Vast, complex, puzzling... those descriptions of the human body might also fit a child with high learning potential (HLP). The body and its health provide an [...]

REAch2Trust Conference – More Able Pupils

After identifying through Ofsted reports that a significant number of the 61 primary schools in the trust needed to improve provision for their More Able Pupils, [...]

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