Suffragette Walking Tour by Kerensa L. (Aged 8)

Following on from Emma's blog about her mock trial as the Suffragette Mary Richardson at the Royal Courts of Justice, Young Reporter Kerensa shares with us [...]

2024-08-15T15:09:01+01:00May 21st, 2019|Categories: Focus on Potential, Reviews and Visits, Young People|Tags: , |

Suffragette Mock Trial by Emma H. (Aged 10)

I recently attended a Mock Trial at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. They run school workshops but we went as a home education group. [...]

Gut Microorganisms – Are You Feeding the Yeast Monster? by Luca W. (Aged 11)

Have You Got a Stomach Ache or Other Gut Related Symptoms? It might be due to micro-organisms in your gut called yeast - not the same [...]

2020-06-17T14:25:27+01:00April 24th, 2019|Categories: Focus on Potential, STEM, Young People|Tags: , , |

The Romanian Master of Mathematics Competition 2019 by Tommy Walker Mackay (Aged 16)

In February 2019 I represented the UK at the Romanian Master of Mathematics (RMM), an international competition held annually in Bucharest, Romania. In this report I [...]

Football’s Legal Dilemma: The Emiliano Sala Case – by Benjamin S. (Aged 10)

On the 21st January 2019, a footballer who cost Cardiff City, a team in the Premier League, £15 million, tragically died in a plane crash over [...]

Badger and the Great Glasses Vault – by Luca W. (Aged 11)

Introduction Hi, my stories are based on a wood with woodland creatures living in it but no ordinary animals here, as you will soon find [...]

2024-04-16T17:28:43+01:00March 19th, 2019|Categories: Fiction, Focus on Potential, Young People|Tags: , |

Review of The Hound of The Baskervilles by Adam R.H. (Aged 9)

A play by Steven Canny and John Nicholson for the Peepolykus, by Bersted Arts The Alexandra Theatre in Bognor Regis, West Sussex, Saturday 9 February 2019 [...]

2019-03-05T15:50:54+00:00March 5th, 2019|Categories: Focus on Potential, Reviews and Visits, Young People|Tags: , |

How to Stand Up to Your Head Teacher by Lola P. (Aged 6)

Do you think that your school has got their discipline right? Lola, aged 6, reflects on the "Triple Rs" in her school. At school they have [...]

2019-03-05T10:40:20+00:00March 5th, 2019|Categories: Focus on Potential, Observations and Reflections, Young People|Tags: , |

The Globe Theatre by Benjamin S. (aged 10)

In January 2019, I started the year off with some history by visiting "The Globe", a reconstruction of Shakespeare’s theatre! It is on the [...]

2019-03-05T12:25:10+00:00February 5th, 2019|Categories: Focus on Potential, Reviews and Visits, Young People|Tags: , , |
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