Suffragette Mock Trial by Emma H. (Aged 10)
I recently attended a Mock Trial at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. They run school workshops but we went as a home education group. [...]
I recently attended a Mock Trial at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. They run school workshops but we went as a home education group. [...]
Have You Got a Stomach Ache or Other Gut Related Symptoms? It might be due to micro-organisms in your gut called yeast - not the same [...]
In February 2019 I represented the UK at the Romanian Master of Mathematics (RMM), an international competition held annually in Bucharest, Romania. In this report I [...]
On the 21st January 2019, a footballer who cost Cardiff City, a team in the Premier League, £15 million, tragically died in a plane crash over [...]
Introduction Hi, my stories are based on a wood with woodland creatures living in it but no ordinary animals here, as you will soon find [...]
A play by Steven Canny and John Nicholson for the Peepolykus, by Bersted Arts The Alexandra Theatre in Bognor Regis, West Sussex, Saturday 9 February 2019 [...]
Do you think that your school has got their discipline right? Lola, aged 6, reflects on the "Triple Rs" in her school. At school they have [...]
In January 2019, I started the year off with some history by visiting "The Globe", a reconstruction of Shakespeare’s theatre! It is on the [...]
In November we featured NanoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month in Focus on Potential and 6 year old Lola P. took up the challenge. Written and [...]
From the Archive This article was originally issued in the Winter 2017 edition of the Ignis e-zine for ages 12-18 Orly Wahba is the founder [...]