Please get involved

Donate directly to Potential Plus UK or set up your own challenge to raise funds so that we can support more young people.

How many times could you hop in 26 seconds?
Could you walk 2.6km around the garden?
Would you enjoy challenging yourself to 26 maths questions?

The 2.6 Challenge is taking place on Sunday April 26th, 2020.  It has been set up by the organisers of the London Marathon (which was due to take place that day), to help raise greatly needed funds for charities during this time. Participants can undertake any challenge around the theme of 2.6 or 26.

Potential Plus UK is taking part

Bobby's Maths Challenge

During these unprecedented times, the Potential Plus UK team of staff and volunteers is doing everything we can to help families and schools to meet the learning and wellbeing needs of young people with high learning potential. We are doing this by enhancing our online resources and expanding access to information and advice.

For some parents, regularly seeing their children completing school work at home has caused them to reflect on their ability to learn above and beyond usual expectations (check out our free questionnaire for help with this:

For others, the joy of limitless exploration is matched by the sheer exhaustion of trying to keep up with their HLP child!

Like many charities, Potential Plus UK has had to cancel its fundraising events during the lockdown, so we are participating in the 2.6 Challenge to raise funds to enable us to support even more young people, not only during this crisis, but well into the future.

My personal challenge has been to recall at least 26 random irregular German verbs out of a possible 180+. Visit

Julie's German Challenge

We are also grateful for the support of our trustees and ambassadors. Take a look at Prof Barry Hymer’s challenge. He adds the disclaimer: “Please don’t attempt to repeat this at home until you’re skilled at stuffing 26 grapes into your mouth at speed ….”

Barry's Grape Challenge

Can trustee Steve Ramsden’s Riddle Challenge see him ask 26 riddles in 2.6 minutes? – it’s a close one this!

Steve's Riddle Challenge

While trustee Jason “The Philosophy Man” is challenging himself to ask 26 philosophical questions in less than 2.6 minutes, they may take a lot longer than 2.6 minutes to answer! (You can find his questions written here)

Jason "The Philosophy Man"'s Challenge

Please get involved

Donate directly to Potential Plus UK or set up your own challenge to raise funds so that we can support more young people.

We’d love to share your videos and photos. Please upload them to social media or email them to us at

Thank you.

Julie Taplin
Chief Executive, Potential Plus UK