It has been an emotional time for us this week as we say goodbye to Julie Taplin, our Chief Executive, who is retiring.  She has been a vital part of Potential Plus UK for almost 20 years.  Steve Ramsden, our Chair of Trustees, shared his thoughts with us:

“Throughout her time with us Julie has stood firm for our values and our commitment to support our high learning potential children and their families.  We will all miss her integrity, her diplomacy, her sensitivity, her tireless advocacy on behalf of our members, her ability to always go the extra mile, her willingness to roll-up her sleeves and do any job that needed to be done, and her openness which has underpinned the collaboration we’ve achieved with partners and donors alike.”

Everyone here at Potential Plus UK will miss you Julie.

Farewell from Julie Taplin

I first discovered the National Association for Gifted Children (the registered name of Potential Plus UK) when my own daughter was identified as ‘gifted and talented’ as part of a research project being carried out by the charity for the Government’s ‘gifted and talented’ programme.

Since subsequently starting to work with the charity in 2005 I have enjoyed many enriching experiences. From supporting volunteers in the Explorer Clubs and organising Big Family Weekends to creating and delivering parent workshops and teacher training – every new task gave me the opportunity to develop my own understanding of the learning and wellbeing needs of my own children.

Becoming CEO in 2017 the work challenges changed, but I have always tried to keep the needs of our community of young people, their parents and educators at the heart of everything the charity does.

My own children are now young adults and I have absolutely no doubt that what my husband and I learned through my time at Potential Plus UK has enabled us to nurture them appropriately – not only through their school time, but also as they have continued on their journeys into adulthood and the wider world. Modelling going outside our comfort zones; learning from when things don’t go to plan; acknowledging the effort that is put into achievements, not only the achievement itself. We haven’t always done these things ‘perfectly’, but ‘well enough’ has sufficed.

At the heart of Potential Plus UK is its member community. Many parents and teachers come to us for help; and then stay to help others. Sharing experiences and learning from each other enhances our expertise and enriches the support we can provide.

As I retire as CEO it is my sincere hope that each of you values the help and community you have experienced at and with Potential Plus UK. And that you feel able and willing to continue your association with the charity beyond your own needs, so that other families and schools can also receive much needed help.

With warmest wishes for the future


September 27th, 2024