Mess: The Manual of Accidents and Mistakes by Keri Smith

Your whole life, you’ve been taught to avoid making a mess: try to keep everything under control, colour inside the lines, make it perfect, and at all costs, avoid contact with things that stain. Explore what it feels like to throw yourself off balance – on purpose! opening yourself to the possibility of creating something new and unexpected from messy mistakes!

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This book dares you to try out new, messy, things, such as drop some kind of coloured liquid (ink, tea, coffee) onto a page from a good height (at least five feet); draw in the dark (or with eyes closed); creatively misspell words; paint a picture in a water-based medium (pen, marker, watercolour, etc) and leave it out during a rain or snowstorm; or bury this book, then dig it up. Learn how to be creative through messiness!

Publisher: ‎ Penguin 1st edition (4 Nov. 2010) ISBN: 1846144477

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