This pack was put together by Potential Plus UK’s Shadow Board. The Shadow Board is made up of young members who help to steer our strategy for supporting children with high learning potential. This pack has been devised to mark European Talent Day. which was celebrated on Saturday 9th April 2013 and contains information and resources about the food, language and customs of different EU countries (and some others too!)
Greater Depth and Beyond is a toolkit of activities to add stretch and challenge in any area of the curriculum. There are 31 activities aimed at Key Stages 1 and 2 that can be used in the classroom with minimal adaptation. When you purchase this product, the toolkit pdf download of 31 activities is immediately available as well as the link being sent to you in an email.
Challenge Choices is a collection of twenty activities that teachers can use to stretch and challenge learners in any subject area. Activities cover all key stages and there is a variety of tasks for different groupings. An index makes it easy to jump directly to items suitable for the type of activity appropriate for your needs.
Step Into the Growth Zone is a downloadable pdf toolkit containing 52 activities for Key Stages 3, 4, and 5 to add stretch and challenge in any subject for use in the classroom. When you purchase this product, the pdf download of 52 activities is immediately available as well as the link being sent to you in an email.