November 2023 marked the launch of Potential Plus UK’s Empowering Young People (EYP) programme. Development of provision for our young people is one of the focus strands in our Strategic Development Plan (for an overview of our plan see Potential Plus UK Strategic Objectives 2023-2026).
The Application deadlines have now closed
January 2024 Update:
We’re happy to say that our Empowering Young People programme is off to a great start, thank you to everyone who has expressed an interest or joined one of the programmes. We are now closed to further applications at the moment but will keep you informed about the fantastic suggestions our participants are coming up with to help us create more programmes in the future!
EYP Projects
What would you like to get involved in?
All three projects are available to young people aged 13 and above who identify as having High Learning Potential or Dual or Multiple Exceptionality (DME).
You can get involved in one, two or all three projects – there are no restrictions.

EYP Project 1: Young Leaders Programme with Alex Hendra
Do you have ideas? Do you want to make things happen?
Alex, neurodivergent herself and parent of a teenager with high learning potential, has vast and varied experience in running leadership programmes with many diverse groups. She will guide and support you to identify problems you face and would like to solve for both yourself and for other young people. Through your project, as well as enacting change and creating positive impact, you will develop a raft of skills useful to navigate life and work, now and in the future and translate potential into successful outcomes.
Course Information
Who Can Take Part?: All young people aged13+ who identify as having high learning potential or dual or multiple exceptionality. Both Potential Plus UK members and Non-members
Event Dates: January to June 2024
Location: A blend of in-person and online (please note that dates and locations are negotiable)
Course Cost: Free
Travel Costs: Families are expected to pay for their own travel and food; however, financial assistance may be available to enable access – please contact Olivia at olivia.smith@potentialplusuk.org to find out more.
For More Information: See our brochure
Young Leaders Programme Brochure
Dyslexia friendly version: Young Leaders Programme Brochure (D)
Application: To apply, download, complete the Young Leaders Application Form (Word)
Dyslexia friendly version: Young Leaders Application Form (D) (Word)
and return it to olivia.smith@potentialplusuk.org
Enquiries: Please contact olivia.smith@potentialplusuk.org
Application Deadline: Closed

EYP Project 2 : Shaping New Services with Good Innovation
What support and services do you want and need? We want to hear from you!
Potential Plus UK has partnered with Good Innovation to complete a deep dive into finding out what services young people with high learning potential or dual or multiple exceptionality would like to have available to them. The crucial part of this work is talking to young people themselves! There are a variety of ways you can impact and influence this important research.
1) Take part in one or two of our interactive workshops taking place next year (information below). This is a chance to really get stuck into some brainstorming, co-creation and have your voice heard (loudly or quietly!) directly.
2) In the new year, a survey will be circulated for young people to complete to let us know your thoughts.
3) At any point between now and March 2024, we are happy to receive the views and ideas of young people directly, in whatever format suits you. Send an email, a letter, a video – whatever suits you – to olivia.smith@potentialplusuk.org.
Workshops Information
Who Can Take Part?: All young people aged13+ who identify as having high learning potential or dual or multiple exceptionality. Both Potential Plus UK members and Non-members
Event Dates: You are welcome to take part in either or both workshops
Workshop 1 – 1.30-4.30pm Wednesday 21 February 2024 Workshop 2 – 1.30-4.30pm Tuesday 9 April 2024
Location: London
Workshop Cost: Free
Travel Costs: Families are expected to pay for their own travel and food; however, financial assistance may be available to enable access – please contact olivia.smith@potentialplusuk.org to find out more.
For More Information: See the Good Innovations Brochure
Application: To apply, download, complete the Application Form and return it to olivia.smith@potentialplusuk.org
Enquiries: Please contact olivia.smith@potentialplusuk.org
Application Deadline: Closed

EYP Project 3 : Skills Development with EtonX
Online Courses Just for Members!
Potential Plus UK has been offered free access to a series of online courses from EtonX, the online arm of Eton College, preparing students aged 13-20 for the world’s top universities, leadership positions and successful careers in business. The courses go beyond the curriculum, to help students to gain the skills they need to achieve their goals, ensuring that students develop the essential skills they will need to thrive throughout their life.
Course Information
Who Can Take Part?: Potential Plus UK members only aged 13+
Event Dates: Access to online courses is available until June 2024
Location: Online
Course Costs: Completely Free!
For More Information: For a list of available courses see the Skills Development with EtonX Brochure
Application: We have a limited number of places to offer on this programme. Please contact olivia.smith@potentialplusuk.org to join, receive account details and get started when you like, progressing at your own pace.
Application Deadline: Closed