
Many children with high learning potential suffer from the negative aspects of perfectionism. Perfectionism in children with high learning potential is caused by their advanced perception; they understand what carrying out a task as well as an adult or as well as expected looks like. Their perfectionism is compounded by almost always being able to fulfil that expectation as a young child, and not experiencing a degree of failure or falling short of expectation very often.
Negative experiences of perfectionism arise when physical barriers get in the way of children with high learning potential achieving their expectation, when they try but fail without understanding that failure is a part of learning or when they perceive how difficult a task will be and decide not to even try.
Some children with high learning potential, partly because of perfectionism and partly due to their intense emotions, suffer with extreme self-criticism and are never able to live up the extreme standards they set themselves.
Find out more in our advice sheet PA604 Perfectionism and High Learning Potential Children

Parenting Perfectionism
There are many ways to support a child to overcome their perfectionistic tendencies, and to help them towards a much more positive, and productive, mindset. Read our blog Parenting Perfectionism