Assessments for Children

Hand of an adult holding a pen writing in a booklet

Potential Plus UK is often contacted by parents wanting to understand their child’s learning profile in order to be able to support their educational, social and emotional needs. We believe in supporting the social, emotional and learning needs of children with high learning potential, therefore, to empower parents to support their children, we offer several assessments that offer recommendations based on their child’s unique profile. Our current face-to-face assessment centres are based in Milton Keynes and Gloucestershire.

If you would like to book any of our assessments, please telephone Potential Plus UK on 01908 646433.

For eligible Family Plus members who may have difficulty covering the full cost of an assessment we offer a subsidised rate through our Scholarship Fund

Potential Plus UK Assessments

hot air balloons rising, being overtaken by a rocket

The Potential Spotter

Based on the Gifted Rating Scales, this report works with your personal knowledge, through an easy, but scientific and detailed, questionnaire filled in by you.

Toddler reading a mobile phone

The Early Years Assessment of Potential

The Early Years Assessment provides an in-person assessment for children aged 3 to 4 years, helping parents to understand and support their child.

boy working on a laptop

The High Learning Potential Assessment Essentials

The HLP Assessment Essentials is a 2 hour online assessment for children aged 7+, undertaken remotely with a qualified assessor.

Woman and young child at a table laughing

The High Learning Potential Assessment Plus

The HLP Assessment Plus offers a comprehensive in-person assessment for children aged 5 and above which takes 4-5 hours.

Boy looking pensive

The Emotional and Social Profile - Standalone

The Emotional and Social Profile, for ages 7-16, investigates a child’s development in areas of emotional intelligence.

Assessments Comparison Tables

The following tables enable you to compare in detail what each assessment provides in terms of Cognitive Ability, Achievements, and Social and Emotional Skills. They also indicate whether we are able to offer advice to schools on your behalf based on the assessment and whether add-on reports can be purchased which cover areas such as handwriting, in-depth sensory processing, and acceleration, not covered in your main assessment.

What Assessment Provides

Potential Spotter Early Years HLP Essentials HLP Plus Emotional and Social Profile Stand-Alone
Age range 4 to 17 3 and 4 7 to 17 5 to 17 7 to 17
What does each assessment provides A cost-effective introduction to the topics related to high learning potential First steps into an objective understanding of your child’s ability and needs in the early years with resources to support them An brief but effective understanding of your child’s learning profile with support on main areas of focus A comprehensive understanding of your child’s strengths and weaknesses with extensive and tailored support to nurture them A comprehensive profile of your child’s socioemotional skills with extensive guidelines and resources to support and teach the necessary skills
Price (inc VAT) For FamilyPlus
£72 £495 £395 £750 £340
Price (inc VAT) For Other Members and Non-Members £72 £625 £515 £870 £390

Cognitive Abilities

Potential Spotter Early Years HLP Essentials HLP Plus
Ages 4 to 17 Ages 3 and 4 Ages 7 to 17 Ages 5 to 17
Working memory Tested by assessor
Phonological skills Tested by assessor
IQ Tested by assessor Tested by assessor
Verbal processing speed (rapid naming) Tested by assessor Tested by assessor
Sensory processing screener Checklist completed by parents and assessor Checklist completed by parents and assessor Checklist completed by parents and assessor
Verbal skills & social understanding for Early Years Assessment Tested by assessor
Impression of intellectual ability Checklist completed by parents and assessor


Potential Spotter Early Years HLP Essentials HLP Plus
Ages 4 to 17 Ages 3 and 4 Ages 7 to 17 Ages 5 to 17
Written expression Tested by assessor
Word decoding Tested by assessor
Maths computation Tested by assessor Tested by assessor
Maths application Tested by assessor Tested by assessor
Academic feedback from child’s school Recommended for school to complete; analysed by assessor Recommended for school to complete; analysed by assessor
Reading comprehension Tested by assessor (if child can read) Tested by assessor Tested by assessor
Fine motor coordination Tested by assessor
General academic achievement Checklist completed by parents
Creativity and artistic talent Checklist completed by parents Information from parents & assessor Information from parents & assessor

Social and Emotional Skills

Potential Spotter Early Years HLP Essentials HLP Plus Emotional and Social Profile Stand-Alone
Age range 4 to 17 3 and 4 7 to 17 5 to 17 7 to 17
Analysis of information from home (parent/carer) Basic Checklist completed by parents Questionnaire completed by parents, analysed by assessor Questionnaire completed by parents, analysed by assessor Questionnaire completed by parents, analysed by assessor Questionnaire completed by parents and child, analysed by assessor
Analysis of information completed by child’s school Recommended for school to complete; analysed by assessor Recommended for school to complete; analysed by assessor Recommended for school to complete; analysed by assessor
Observations during the assessment Included Included Included

School Advice

Potential Spotter Early Years HLP Essentials HLP Plus Emotional and Social Profile Stand-Alone
Age range 4 to 17 3 and 4 7 to 17 5 to 17 7 to 17
Brief outline of some of the main aspects of school provision for high ability Included Included Included
School-tailored advice Basic Basic When school checklist is completed
Comprehensively explained and detailed report + school-tailored advice Extensive as add-on When school checklist is completed

Reports and Recommendations You will Receive

Potential Spotter Early Years HLP Essentials HLP Plus Emotional and Social Profile Standalone
Ages 4 to 17 Ages 3 and 4 Ages 7 to 17 Ages 5 to 17 Ages 7 to 17
Family report Generic report based on completed questionnaires Personalised based on all information received and face-to-face assessment completed Personalised based on all information received and face-to-face assessment completed Personalised based on all information received and face-to-face assessment completed Personalised based on all information received
Family Recommendations Brief, about main areas covered Extensive, comprehensively explained Extensive, comprehensively explained Extensive, comprehensively explained Extensive, comprehensively explained
Family resources recommended and provided Limited Extensive Limited Extensive Extensive

Add-On Services (availability may be restricted by age)
Discover more information and prices for members and non-members on our Add-On Services Page

For an additional fee

Potential Spotter Early Years HLP Essentials HLP Plus
Age range 4 to 17 3 and 4 7 to 17 5 to 17
In-depth sensory profile add-on For an additional fee For an additional fee
Emotional and social profile add-on For an additional fee For an additional fee
School advice pack – comprehensively explained and detailed school-tailored advice and resources For an additional fee
Handwriting and/or fine motor coordination add-on For an additional fee
Acceleration evaluation report For an additional fee
Screener – ADHD For an additional fee For an additional fee

Additional Information

Potential Plus UK assessor Claire at her desk

Assessments - FAQs

All our assessments are run with safe Covid-19 practices. To find out more about what is involved in our assessments, current locations for in-person assessments and what happens on the day read our FAQ blog  Potential Plus UK Assessments – FAQs

reports in a buff folder

Add-On Reports

Potential Plus UK currently offers several additional reports, available to purchase as add-ons to the High Learning Potential Assessment Essentials and/or High Learning Potential Assessment Plus Services.

  • School Advice Pack
  • In-Depth Sensory Profile
  • Emotional and Social Profile (Add-on)
  • Handwriting Profile
  • Acceleration Evaluation Report
  • Screener – ADHD

See Assessment Add-On Reports for more information

Understanding the Difference between the Family Plus and Essential Assessments

The High Learning Potential Family Plus Assessment is an in-person assessment which takes approximately 4-5 hours. The High Learning Potential Family Essentials Assessment is a 2 hour online assessment. Find out more about what both assessments offer in our video.

Young child holding a pen

The Scholarship Fund

Potential Plus UK fundraises to support families who struggle to afford to pay for the most appropriate opportunities for their high learning potential children.  The fund is available for eligible Family Plus Members who are on a low income to help pay for assessments.

Learn more about the Scholarship Fund »

Become a Member

Families benefit from access to our advice line, the Members’ Area, our electronic resources, discounted events and our Focus newsletter.

Schools benefit from access to our advice line, online resources, members area, newsletter, workshops, webinars-on-demand, and associate family membership for their parents.