Welcome to Potential Plus UK
Supporting Children with High Learning Potential

Mother and child sharing an activity at the PPUK Be Curious Weekend, 2019

Supporting Families

Helping you to nurture your child with high learning potential

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three boys around a table taking part in an activity

Supporting Children

Resources for children with high learning potential, including activity booklets and advice sheets

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Children sitting working at a table Potential Plus UK's BIG Family Weekend, 2019

Supporting Schools

Inspiring, motivating and challenging more able students

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Lily-Mae's Story

Lily-Mae is 4½. Her reading age is 9, her favourite shape is a dodecagon and she thinks the periodic table is cool. However, she struggles with her fine motor skills and is having difficulty learning to write, which is leading to frustration, anger and behavioural difficulties at school.

Find out more about how we helped her by reading Lily-Mae’s Story and discover more about the children we help, in Family Stories

Latest News and Family Stories

Discover how we support young people with high learning potential and their families

Finding Your Tribe at the Be Curious Weekend 2024

You know that feeling when you connect with someone who ‘gets’ you - that sense of finding your tribe? This sense of belonging is crucial for [...]

He’s Not a Bad Kid, Just Misunderstood: Ben’s Story

When a teacher says they have never, in 25 years of teaching, met such a stubborn child, you know that you are in for an interesting [...]

How to Survive a High Learning Potential Christmas

We recently received a message from a parent who is worried about Christmas for her six-year-old son. "I am dreading this Christmas. My 6-year-old son, *Oliver, [...]

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Schools benefit from access to our advice line, online resources, members area, newsletter, workshops, webinars-on-demand, and associate family membership for their parents.