Professional Learning for Teachers and School Leaders

Potential Plus UK provides high quality professional learning for teachers and school leaders. Our programme includes live workshops (face-to-face or remote delivery) and pre-recorded webinars-on-demand. Our training is evidence and experience based, and uses an interactive style. Live sessions can be 30 minutes’ twilight, 2 hours or full day. Pre-recorded webinars-on-demand are available to the school for 12 months, so can be viewed at times to suit staff.
Professional learning has the most impact when it is delivered as part of a targeted programme of initiatives. Our workshops and webinars can be used to kick off an initiative, contribute to an initiative, or in conjunction with a learning community or for co-delivery.
Live Workshops: Our unique expertise is in supporting teachers and school leaders to understand and provide for learners who demonstrate both high learning potential (more able, gifted) together with other additional needs (described as dual or multiple exceptionality); and working in positive partnership with parents. Prices vary depending on the length of workshop. Email us at with School PL in the subject box and we will provide you with details of available workshops and a quote.
Pre-recorded Webinars-on-Demand: This option is both time and cost-efficient. Suitable for individuals, team or whole school professional learning, individual webinars cost £120 + VAT for members (£150 + VAT for non-members) with access for the purchasing school for one year enabling unlimited viewings. To view currently available webinars and purchase please click here.