
“A rising tide lifts all ships.” Dr Joseph Renzulli
Creating a culture of high expectations, challenge and risk-taking will not only secure excellent outcomes for high potential learners but will benefit every learner by providing learning, teaching and experiences that raise achievement for all.
The journey starts here, with Potential Plus UK
High potential learners* are in every school, every age group and from every ethnic and socio-economic background. Research** indicates that identification and provision should be as inclusive as possible to give every young person opportunities to demonstrate their high potential. This is particularly important for young people who also have a special educational need and for disadvantaged learners who are unlikely to have had the same level of support and exposure to experiences as their non-disadvantaged peers.
*High learning potential is our preferred term. Your school may use a different term such as ‘gifted and talented’, ‘more able’ or ‘most able’.
**Dr Rebecca Montacute in Potential for Success: Fulfilling the promise of highly able students in secondary schools, July 2018, Sutton Trust

Potential Plus UK can support and advise schools at every stage of their journey, providing a range of high quality resources for teachers and parents to raise achievement and promote good mental health for all young people with high learning potential.