School Advice Sheets - Parental Engagement

Discover how to engage and inform parents and carers about high potential learners with Potential Plus UK’s advice sheets for schools. These advice sheets offer information about good practice, helping schools and academies to better understand the needs of their high potential learners and to provide well for them academically, socially and emotionally.
School Members can access all of our advice sheets and download them free of charge by logging in. The School Advice Sheets are available to non-members to purchase and download at £3.60 each.
See our School Advice Sheets Page for more advice sheets on subjects such as: identification of high potential learners, classroom practice, social and emotional needs of high potential learners.
S703 – Informing Parents and Carers about High Learning Potential Provision
This advice sheet is aimed at lead teachers and senior leadership team members in all school phases and gives guidance about informing parents and carers that their children have been identified as high potential learners.
Purchase and Download the School Advice Sheet Informing Parents and Carers about High Learning Potential Provision »