Subject Area Advice Sheets

Potential Plus UK has a wide selection of advice sheets covering many of the issues likely to face parents and carers of a child with high learning potential.
Family members can access all of our family and children’s advice sheets and download them free of charge by logging into the members area and visiting the Family Member Resources page. Non-members can download a selection of General Advice Sheets for free and other advice sheets are available to purchase and download at £3.60 each.
See our Parent Advice Sheets Page for more advice sheets on subjects such as: assessments, education and social and emotional issues. For a quick way to identify our parent advice sheets visit the Parent Advice Sheets – Alphabetical Index
English and Maths are the two most common subject areas we are approached about by parents and carers to discover how to support their child with high learning potential. The following advice sheets can help you support primary or secondary children with strong interests in these areas.
PA401 – Supporting High Learning Potential in English (Primary)
This advice sheet is aimed at parents and carers. It covers how to recognise high learning potential in English at the Primary level, as well as how parents and carers can support a child with high learning potential and/or a strong interest in this. There are also links to further resources in this subject area.
PA402 – Supporting High Learning Potential in English (Secondary)
This advice sheet is aimed at parents and carers. It covers how to recognise high learning potential in English at the Secondary level, as well as how to support a child with high learning potential and/or a strong interest in English. There are also links to further resources in this subject area.
PA403 – Supporting High Learning Potential in Mathematics (Primary)
This advice sheet is aimed at parents and carers. It covers how to recognise high learning potential in Mathematics at the Primary level, as well as how to support a child with high learning potential and/or a strong interest in this. There are also links to further resources in this subject area.
PA404 – Supporting High Learning Potential in Mathematics (Secondary)
This advice sheet is aimed at parents and carers. It covers how to recognise high learning potential in Mathematics at the Secondary level, as well as how to support a child with high learning potential and/or a strong interest in this. There are also links to further resources in this subject area.