Meet the Team - Our Trustees
Potential Plus UK trustees bring with them different skills, experiences and perspectives, allowing them to make well-rounded decisions which guide and govern our charity – serving the needs of our membership and the high learning potential community. Meet our trustees below and find out a little bit more about them.

Rhys C. Jones - Chair of Trustees
Rhys is an internationally recognised educational leader with extensive experience in curriculum development and curriculum theory, statistics education, and engaging students in small and large classroom settings (offline and online). He also has extensive experience of using digital literacy skills and learning analytics to enhance the student experience, using digital platforms to assess student engagement and interaction. Rhys was the National Representative for the New Zealand Association for Gifted Children from 2020-2022, and the Director of the Science Scholars at the University of Auckland from 2018-2021. Rhys is also a member of the Royal Statistical Societies teaching section as well as the Education Policy Advisory Group. Both committees work on a national and international level to improve the teaching of statistics and data science in schools, universities, and relevant industry sectors.
Why did you become a Trustee at Potential Plus UK?
Having experience of working with an equivalent organisation in NZ, I have seen first-hand the enormous benefit organisations like Potential Plus UK can have, for families and their children. So, I wanted to continue my work in the space, here in the UK.
Whilst in NZ, I was director of the Science Scholars Programme, which was a programme for people with high learning potential, at the University of Auckland. Students joined a group of “like mind” people and were trained by world leaders in a range of subjects. They also learnt the value of how to negotiate, becoming more resourceful and resilient, and enjoyed the many pizza parties we had over the years!
What are you proud of?
For me, being an educator for over 15 years, I am most proud of those light bulb moments in my students, when I see young people’s passion come to life, when they really get into a topic or subject area. This gives me the opportunity to feed their passion and help them thrive.
What could you talk about for hours without getting bored?
So many things! I find so many different topics interesting! However, I’d rather listen to others. I find people fascinating on multiple levels, and can listen to people talk about their lives, experiences, and passions, for hours.
If you had to live somewhere else, where in the world would that be?
Canada or Hong Kong.
Do you have any interests? / hobbies
I love to play the piano when I can. This was on my bucket list for so long and I only started playing several years ago.
Where is your favourite place and why?
Tokyo. When I visited Japan for a work conference several years ago, I took some time off to visit Tokyo. WOWIEEEEE! This place took my breath away, so much to see and explore. It definitely whetted my appetite to explore more Asian countries and cultures, as well as the amazingly scrummy cuisine.

Daniel Dipper
I am a recent University of Oxford History and Politics graduate, and now a Graduate Business Analyst in financial technology. I am also a DJ and involved in several social mobility organisations, including as a Founding Brand Ambassador for Zero Gravity.
Why did you become a Trustee at Potential Plus UK?
I have been a member of the charity for over 10 years; they supported my journey right from the middle of primary school to being in the first cohort at my school to apply to the University of Oxford and the first in my immediate family to go to university.
As a Trustee, I particularly want to focus on Potential Plus UK’s work with young adults, ensuring the charity empowers young people and supports them to explore their post-18 options.
How has being a Trustee enriched your life?
Being a Trustee is a very rewarding experience, and an amazing opportunity to learn more about how charities function. Everyone at Potential Plus UK is so committed to supporting high learning potential children, and it’s been a pleasure to see the charity develop over the last few years.
What could you talk about for hours without getting bored?
Many things! If I was to choose, it would most probably be equality and diversity in businesses, music, or politics.
What are you proud of?
I’m especially proud of winning the GMAT Talent and Opportunity Scholarship for helping make “tangible changes related to accessibility in organisations”.

Lorraine Fellows
After many years in teaching, I started my own business providing resources, support and training in social and emotional wellbeing for young people and all who love and work with them. I specialise in neurodiversity, high learning potential, and sensitivity.
Why did you choose to become a Trustee at Potential Plus UK?
After contacting them for help with my youngest son, I was so impressed with their care, expertise and professionalism that I was delighted and honoured to become a trustee. They are a rich source of support, advice and practical ideas that really help high learning potential young people, their families and teachers.
How has being a Trustee enriched your life?
In so many ways! It is a privilege to be able to work with the Potential Plus UK staff and trustees who are dedicated, knowledgeable and inspiring!
Do you have a pet?
I have a bouncy goldendoodle named Charlie who loves people – sometimes too much!
What is a topic you could talk about for hours without getting bored?
How to be our best selves (and how to help others to be); knowing who we are, compassionately connected with ourselves and with others.
What are you really proud of?
My 5 wonderful children and how they are living with courage and compassion. – and my beautiful granddaughter!
Where is your favourite place and why?
Treyarnon Bay in Cornwall, where we have spent many happy family holidays for the past 25 years – such a beautiful, fun beach.

Anil Joshi
I’m a Hedge Fund Consultant with expertise in finance.
Why did you choose to become a Trustee at Potential Plus UK?
I wanted to volunteer my finance expertise to a worthy cause. I feel that Potential Plus UK is a valuable organisation which makes a real difference to young people’s lives as well as to their families. I really enjoy interacting with the other trustees from a wide range of backgrounds.
How has being a Trustee enriched your life?
I have found it so interesting to find out about the issues faced by the children with high potential.
What sports do you enjoy?
Martial Arts – as you might guess from my photo.
What is a topic you could talk about for hours without getting bored? Finance definitely!
If you had to live somewhere else, where in the world would that be?
Japan as I’m fascinated by the culture and could pursue my love of martial arts.
What is your earliest memory?
My first day at school. The school dinners made a big impression on me.
What are you really proud of?
My kids who are just wonderful

Mary-Jane Maybury
Mary-Jane was confirmed in the role of trustee at the AGM in October 2024. More information coming soon.

Joy Morgan
I was a teacher in London secondary schools for 43 years and loved it. Since September 2021, I have started to work less so I can do the things I enjoy most such as running teachers’ workshops and coaching leaders.
Why did you become a Trustee at Potential Plus UK?
I discovered Potential Plus UK when teaching and I was so impressed by their knowledge and expertise about absolutely everything to do with young people with high potential. They helped me support my own daughter as well as supporting our whole school approach to high potential learners – and we then won lots of awards!
How has being a Trustee enriched your life?
I have learnt so much by working with the other trustees and staff. They are an amazing group of people who are absolutely committed to supporting young people, families and schools. Their expertise is incredible.
Do you have a pet?
I recently adopted a second dog, Bella, to join Molly who is less than thrilled and very concerned that she will need to share her food.
What is a topic you could talk about for hours?
How teachers can encourage, support and challenge disadvantaged young people to extend the opportunities open to them in future.
If you had to live somewhere else, where in the world would that be?
Edinburgh but with better weather

Steve Ramsden
For most of my career I’ve been an IT manager which has been hectic, challenging and at times all-consuming. Using my IT expertise has been one of the areas which I have been able to bring to my role as a trustee.
Why did you become a Trustee at Potential Plus UK?
I joined Potential Plus UK to get help with issues our son was having at school. It helped enormously to discuss strategies about how to talk to the school and then he seemed to fit in so much better with children we met at events. I gained so much, so I wanted to give something back.
How has being a Trustee enriched your life?
Working with a group of like-minded people on a worthwhile goal is one of life’s most rewarding experiences. What I get out of it is a multiple of what I put in. Parents’ gratitude when we have made a life changing difference to their child’s life is really moving.
Do you have a pet?
I feed a stray cat. Recently I found out that he is also fed by a neighbour, which explains why he often turns his nose up at the food I offer!
Do you play a musical instrument?
I am learning to play the saxophone. I have fallen in love with this beautiful instrument so now have four – a tenor, alto, soprano plus an electronic one to play with headphones to save my wife’s sanity.
Do you have any hobbies?
I’ve loved puzzles since my Dad gave me a solitaire board when I was 8. I spent the next few hours solving it! Martin Gardner is one of my heroes and I love this quote about him, “He is said to have turned dozens of innocent youngsters into maths professors, and thousands of maths professors into innocent youngsters’. I think many Potential Plus UK children can relate to that.
What are you proud of?
Not being afraid to fail. Although it is difficult to push yourself out of your comfort zone and risk failure, it is the only way to grow and to be able to accomplish things you never thought you were capable of doing. If you only set goals you can succeed at you will never surprise and amaze yourself on what you have done. That’s worth a few failures.

Branka Young
I am Head of Fundraising for a mental health charity. I have over 20 years’ experience of raising awareness and funds for great causes. Connecting with supporters and seeing general public react to personal stories, donating their money and time to help others is tremendously gratifying.
Why did you choose to become a Trustee at Potential Plus UK?
Potential Plus UK helped me discover that my son was multiple exceptional – confirming my belief that neurodiversity and exceptional talent can go hand in hand. We had been told that, though my son was very bright, he’d never do well in school. 5 years after joining Potential Plus, he is excelling at school and is a happy, confident child. Being a Trustee means that I can give something back to an organisation that had supported me when I needed it.
How has being a Trustee enriched your life?
Playing my part in helping children flourish, connecting with other parents to share stories about our wonderful children has been extremely rewarding experience.
Do you have a pet?
We are adopting a dog – I am looking forward to welcoming another dog in our lives, 10 years after our beloved collie passed away.
If you had to live somewhere else, where in the world would that be?
Lake Bled in Slovenia – a fairly unknown eco-haven, hidden away between Italy and Austria, perfect surroundings for those of us who love unspoilt nature and hiking.
What is a topic you could talk about for hours without getting bored?
Inequality on a global scale, exacerbated by climate change. Also, inequality on a local level, particularly about children from disadvantaged background getting equal educational opportunities.
What are you really proud of?
My children – I am blessed with a son and a daughter who share the same brilliant, dry sense of humour, kindness and a strong sense of justice.