Meet the Team - Our Staff

Steve Ramsden Chief Executive
Steve has been Chair of Potential Plus UK’s trustees twice and recently retired from a career as an IT Manager. Having joined Potential Plus UK to help his son, who was having issues at school, he has first-hand experience of the importance of finding the right way to work with your child’s school and the life-changing difference it makes to belong to a community of like-minded people who support both children with high learning potential and their families.

Olivia Smith
Deputy Chief Executive
Designated Safeguarding Lead
After completing a Masters’ in Engineering, Olivia has spent all of her working life in education, much of it as a Maths Teacher but, over twenty years, she has diversified across subjects, age-ranges, sectors and perspectives.
Olivia’s Potential Plus UK journey began at a Big Family Weekend, an event she stumbled across when looking for stimulating and challenging weekend pursuits for her insatiably curious elder daughter. So began an ongoing relationship with Potential Plus UK as a parent which has proved equally beneficial for daughter number two and inspirational for her personally. Further study into ‘gifted and talented’ education followed, as well as championing the cause of children with high learning potential in all the schools she has worked both in and with. Olivia trained with Potential Plus UK to carry out educational assessments and to deliver workshops for teachers and parents before taking on the role of Events Coordinator in 2018. She was appointed Deputy Chief Executive in 2023.

Andrea Anguera
Assessment Services Manager
Andrea is Potential Plus UK’s Assessment Service Manager; she has been carrying out the High Learning Potential and Early Years Assessments since 2013 and now manages the assessment service team. She also provides workshop training for families and professionals in events. Andrea is a psychology graduate, holds an MSc in Psychology of Education and Child Development with University College London, is Registered with the British Psychological Society as a Test User, and in undertaking a PhD on the Social and Emotional Development of children with high learning potential at the University of Leeds.
Andrea is also the mother of two young adult children with exceptionally high learning potential, one of whom is DME. As a mother, she has found that her parenting skills and family life had to be adapted to support her children’s unique needs. This is how she became connected with Potential Plus UK, and why she feels passionate about supporting others with similar challenges.
In her personal life, she is a geek at heart. She enjoys sci-fi, tabletop gaming and visiting new places. She also loves learning and continues to find ‘excuses’ to engage in new courses and academic challenges.

Caroline Benton
Operations Officer
Caroline joined the Potential Plus UK team in 2024 after a long and successful career as a secondary school teacher where she strived to support and challenge the bright and curious minds she met in the classroom. As parents to two young bright and curious children Caroline and her partner find themselves surprised and delighted with their growing interests and insightful questions.
At Potential Plus UK Caroline brings her knowledge, skills and hyper-focus to many aspects of the ‘behind the scenes’ operations such as making sure the Advice Line booking calendar is working to writing risk assessments and almost everything else in between! She is continually learning about High Learning Potential through her colleagues and the parents she meets at assessments and speaks to whilst manning the main phone line.
In her personal life Caroline is re-igniting a talent and passion for creative writing long neglected since her teens. She also loves to cook, cycle and spend time in nature in almost equal measure.

Pippa Heasman
Community Events Coordinator
As Community Events Coordinator, Pippa is committed to empowering and engaging communities.
With 15 years of experience in education and the museums and heritage sector, she has led numerous projects centred around the wellbeing of children and young people. This has ranged from engaging hard-to-reach schools as a museum educator at the Victoria and Albert Museum, to working with “Children Looked After” to create their own public art exhibitions.
Pippa’s learning continues, often down unexpected paths, as she raises her own son with high learning potential. She has kept pace with a litany of new interests – from the periodic table to deep space and infinite numbers – and has the upmost respect for parents’ uniquely challenging learning journeys.
Potential Plus UK events recognise the challenges faced and aim to empower and stimulate both parents and young people while offering valuable support. Pippa is hoping to see you at one of the upcoming events soon!

Emma Hetherington
Emma works in our advice services team as an adviser. A former gifted and talented child and recently diagnosed as neurodivergent, she is a Fine Arts graduate and has a Master’s degree in Art Museum and Gallery Studies.
Emma is a mum of two young children with high learning potential. She is passionate about nurturing her own children’s mental health and self-esteem alongside their talents. Emma came across Potential Plus UK whilst looking for help supporting her then three-year-old’s insatiable appetite for learning and puzzles. In Potential Plus UK, Emma and her husband felt like they found a community of parents who, unlike many that they had met in their everyday lives, related to the challenges and triumphs they experience as parents.
After years of seeking support from the advice team and then later the assessment service at Potential Plus UK, Emma is using the knowledge offered to understand how to support the needs of her children. Now she helps parents feel empowered to advocate for the own children and their needs.
Emma is a small business owner and an avid cook with a knowledge of food as deep as her love for all things Tolkien and Lord of the Rings.

Claire Humphries
Claire joined Potential Plus UK in 2022 as an assessor. Knowing little about Potential Plus UK in the beginning she now knows that at least two of her own children show traits of high learning potential! Claire studied music performance and holds a BA(Hons) in music. She later went on to gain a PGCE in primary education leading her to work for 20 years in primary education. She has had a variety of roles, such as: class teacher, music subject leader and PPA cover as well as being a private and peripatetic music teacher working for the Swindon Music Co-op and Bucks Learning Trust, delivering individual, small group and whole class music lessons. She now works for the Potential Plus UK Assessment Service as well as tutoring primary children of all abilities.
Claire is a mother to three children, one of whom is neurodivergent. She feels passionate about making sure that all children have the opportunity to fulfil their potential and empowering parents to understand the best ways to support their child.
In her spare time, Claire is a musician playing piano, alto saxophone, flute and piccolo in local bands and orchestras. She also enjoys anything creative and shares her love of crafting through adult workshops. Claire is currently studying a part-time MSc in psychology with a view to specialising in educational psychology in the future.

Natalie Jensen
Advice Service Manager
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Natalie is Potential Plus UK’s Advice Services Manager. She has been answering calls on our advice line, providing support and advice to families of gifted children since 2019. Natalie also trained with Potential Plus UK to carry out educational assessments and deliver workshops to parents before managing the advice service where she supports two further advisers and a team of four volunteers.
Natalie discovered Potential Plus UK in 2011 when she was invited to deliver sessions for a local Explorer group, organised by member volunteers of Potential Plus UK. This is when the realisation dawned that the never-ending questions and pace of learning from her toddler, meant that she was in the right place.
With degrees in French, Law, International Relations and Early Years Teaching, Natalie is a keen student and is currently studying to be a RITHA Specialist in Gifted Education.
Together with her husband, 3 children and the dog, Natalie enjoys family arts and music festivals, making the most of her National Trust membership and trying to squeeze in some reading of her own while keeping up with her children’s daily activities and latest interests!

Tracy Morsbach
Senior Finance Officer
Tracy is responsible for the day-to-day finances of the organisation and office management. Tracy was born and grew up in Cape Town, South Africa. She qualified as a primary school teacher through UNISA in 2008 and taught in a school in South Africa until she came to the UK in December 2011.
Outside of work, Tracy enjoys reading, cooking, baking, walking her dog and cycling.

Holly Smith
Administration Assistant
Holly joined the organisation in January 2016, initially on workplace experience from sixth form and then as an apprentice administration assistant in September 2016. In January 2018, Holly became a full time Administration Assistant and is developing her skills in social media and event planning.
Outside of work Holly enjoys socialising and going out with her friends. She also enjoys going to music events. In her spare time, she enjoys completing online courses to widen her knowledge across different areas. Particularly courses that will help with the work that she does at Potential Plus UK.