Could Your Child Have High Learning Potential?

Girl in Blue Dress sitting crosslegged reading

Free Online High Learning Potential Questionnaire

Complete our free online questionnaire looking at common characteristics that could indicate whether your child has high learning potential (also known as being gifted or more/most able).

hot air balloons rising, being overtaken by a rocket

Potential Spotter

For a more detailed profile, our Potential Spotter helps you investigate your child’s strengths in core areas of intellectual ability, academic achievement, creativity, artistic talent, and, for children aged 7+, leadership. The cost of £72 includes a report with suggestions to help you support them.

Hand of an adult holding a pen writing in a booklet

Assessments for Children

To gain an in-depth learning profile of your child based on a 1-to-1 assessment with a Potential Plus UK accredited assessor, our range of High Learning Potential (HLP) Assessments provide bespoke recommendations for support in their education and wellbeing. Our services include an Early Years Assessment of Potential (in-person for ages 3-4), the HLP Assessment Essentials delivered remotely (suitable for ages 7+) and the HLP Assessment Plus (in-person for ages 5+). Prices start at £395 upwards for members (£515 for non-members) depending on the assessment package booked.

Become a Member

Families benefit from access to our advice line, the Members’ Area, our electronic resources, discounted events and our Focus newsletter.

Schools benefit from access to our advice line, online resources, members area, newsletter, workshops, webinars-on-demand, and associate family membership for their parents.