Potential Spotter

If your child meets some of the characteristics of a child with high learning potential and you are just starting your journey of parenting a child with high ability, then the Potential Spotter can guide you in pinpointing resources that you need the most to get you started.

What is the Potential Spotter?

The Potential Spotter is based on the Gifted Ratings Scales (GRS), a proven norm-referenced tool that provides the foundation for robust results from the questionnaires. It asks for your understanding of your child’s performance in relation to other children their age (with optional teacher input), through an easy, but scientific and detailed, questionnaire. It is a first step to understanding more about your child’s abilities in a range of areas.

The results from this questionnaire are interpreted to create a description of your child’s individual profile, which is then combined with relevant background information, to provide resources to further your understanding of how to best support your child.

Potential Spotter investigates your understanding of your child’s abilities in core areas that have been shown to indicate or support high learning potential. These are:

  • Intellectual Ability
  • Academic Achievement
  • Creativity
  • Artistic Talent
  • Motivation for Learning
  • (for ages 7+) Leadership

What Do Parents Receive from the Potential Spotter?

The Potential Spotter report breaks down the probability of your child having high learning potential across various key skills based on your observations, as well as investigating their level of motivation to continue learning despite setbacks. From all of this, we create a personalised and easily understandable Potential Spotter report which describes their individual profile and offers resources that will increase your understanding and ability to best support your child.

Purchasing Potential Spotter

Cost: Cost £58 + 20% VAT

Please select the right report for your child based on their chronological age.

Once you have purchased the Potential Spotter, you will receive a questionnaire to complete. The completed form should be returned to amazing.children@potentialplusuk.org  so that we can compile your individualised report. The report will take 7-10 days to prepare.

Example Pages

Example graphs and text from overall results in Potential Spotter
Example Creativity Page from Potential Spotter
Example Page from Potential Spotter

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