Parent Advice Sheets - Alphabetical Index

father swinging a child by arms while mother looks on happily

Potential Plus UK has a wide selection of advice sheets covering many of the issues likely to face parents and carers of a child with high learning potential.

Family members can access all of our family and children’s advice sheets and download them free of charge by logging into the members area and visiting the Family Member Resources page. Non-members can download a selection of General Advice Sheets for free and other advice sheets are available to purchase and download at £3.60 each. To research our advice sheets by topic area visit Parent Advice Sheets by Topic page.


Alternative Education Options for Children with High Learning Potential (PA312)

Assessment of Intelligence Explained (PA201)

Asynchronous Development (PA514)

Autism and High Learning Potential (F02 – Free Advice Sheet)

Behaviour of Young High Learning Potential Children (PA503)

Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy (Thinking Skills) (PA320)

Characteristics of Children with High Learning Potential (PA102 – Free Advice Sheet)

Comic Books Suitable for Younger Readers (PA109 – Free Advice Sheet)

Creativity and High Learning Potential (PA513)

Describing Feelings (PA616)

Developing Creative Thinking Skills (PA701)

Developing Critical Thinking Skills (PA702)

Developing Fine Motor Skills (PA316)

Developing Leadership Skills (PA705)

Developing Research and Revision Skills (PA704)

Dual or Multiple Exceptionality (F01 – Free Advice Sheet)

Early Years and High Learning Potential (PA104 – Free Advice Sheet)

Education and Exceptionally Able Children (PA319)

Educational Acceleration (PA308)

Educational Psychologists – Advice for Parents (PA202)

Emotional Hypersensitivity (Emotional Overexcitability) (PA614)

Enthused About Learning (Intellectual Overexcitability) (PA612)

Executive Function Skills (PA522)

Finding a School for a High Learning Potential Child (PA306)

Flexi Schooling (PA303)

Friendships and High Learning Potential Children (PA603)

Grants, Funds and Scholarships Information (PA110 – Free Advice Sheet)

Handwriting Difficulties and Alternative Ways to Demonstrate Learning (PA314)

Helping High Learning Potential Children Deal with Emotional Regulation (PA608)

Helping Children with High Learning Potential Develop Self-Regulation Skills (PA324)

Helping to Raise Self-Esteem in High Learning Potential Children (PA602)

High Learning Potential (PA101 – Free Advice Sheet)

High Learning Potential and Active (Psychomotor Overexcitability) (PA611)

High Learning Potential and ADHD (F03 – Free Advice Sheet)

Home Education and High Learning Potential (PA302)

Hypersensitivity (Dabrowski’s Overexcitabilities) (PA610)

Inspiring Motivation to Learn (PA305)

Inspiring Young High Learning Potential Children (PA504)

Introversion and High Learning Potential (PA511)

Late Speech and High Learning Potential Children (PA607)

The Low-Down on Enrichment (PA310)

Meeting with the School (PA315)

Mentor and Buddy Programmes (PA311)


Needs of Children with High Learning Potential (PA103 – Free Advice Sheet)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and High Learning Potential (F07 – Free Advice Sheet)

Overactive Imagination (Imaginational Overexcitability) (PA615)

Parenting High Learning Potential Children (PA509)

Perfectionism and High Learning Potential Children (PA604)

Profiles of Children with High Learning Potential (PA105 – Free Advice Sheet)

Proprioception Activities (PA318)

Reading List for Early Years High Learning Potential Children (PA106 – Free Advice Sheet)

Reading List for Key Stage 1 High Learning Potential Children (PA107 – Free Advice Sheet)

Reading List for Key Stage 2 High Learning Potential Children (PA108 – Free Advice Sheet)

Sensory Food Aversion and High Learning Potential Children (PA609)

Sensory Input for Sensory Seekers (PA317)

Sensory Processing Difficulties and High Learning Potential (F05 – Free Advice Sheet)

Sleep and High Learning Potential Children (PA605)

Social and Emotional Development of High Learning Potential Children (PA601)

Supporting At-Risk Profile High Learning Potential Children (PA519)

Supporting Autonomous Profile High Learning Potential Children (PA520)

Supporting Creative Profile High Learning Potential Children (PA516)

Supporting DME (Dual or Multiple Exceptional) Profile High Learning Potential Children (PA517)

Supporting High Learning Potential in English (Primary) (PA401)

Supporting High Learning Potential in English (Secondary) (PA402)

Supporting High Learning Potential in Mathematics (Primary) (PA403)

Supporting High Learning Potential in Mathematics (Secondary) (PA404)

Supporting Successful Profile High Learning Potential Children (PA515)

Supporting Underground Profile High Learning Potential Children (PA518)

Transition (Moving Schools) (PA309)

Understanding Working Memory (PA304)

Using Thinking Skills in Literacy (PA323)

Using Thinking Skills in Mathematics (PA322)

Using Thinking Skills in Science (PA321)

What to Tell Children About Their High Learning Potential (PA521)

Working in Positive Partnership with Schools (PA307)

Worry and Anxiety in High Learning Potential Children (PA606)

Young High Learning Potential Children at Home (PA502)

Young High Learning Potential Children at Preschool or Nursery (PA501) 

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