The Above and Beyond Awards

Inspirational Extra-Curricular Provision Award

Award Sponsor

Potential Plus UK Logo

This award is aimed at providers of high quality/high impact extra-curricular support to the high learning potential community.

Above and Beyond Awards 2019. Bobby Seagull - Inspirational Extra-Curricular Provision Award winner, Catherine McEvoy - Rebecca Howell

Bobby Seagull – Catherine McEvoy – Rebecca Howell


Dr Catherine McEvoy

Parliament Hill School

Reason for Nomination: Since training to be a teacher in 2016, Catherine has brought her background in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astrophysics to the support of high potential learners. Co-leading the STEAM initiative at Parliament Hill School she is unerringly positive, giving up her own time to support, challenge and develop learners through a number of extra-curricular provisions.

Judges Comment: The judges commented that the extra-curricular provision led by Catherine is exactly what world-class provision should look like. Catherine leads several innovative programmes, providing opportunities for high potential learners, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. These programmes include the Brilliant Club and Great Minds Think Again, as well as a new project STARS – Students as Researchers. This provision mirrors the excellent practice seen internationally, where young people are linked directly to experts in the field.


Jennifer Norris – Potential Plus UK Surrey Explorers

Tomorrow’s Achievers

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