Work With Us

Group of children undertaking a science experiment with a teacher
boy holding onto a treetrunk
Girl laughing during the Enigma Challenge at Potential Plus UK's Big Family Weekend, 2018
Happy boy at outdoor activity

We are always looking for people who believe in our vision and values to help us take forward our work with children, families and schools. Our strategic objectives centre around raising awareness of children with high learning potential and their needs, improving the quality and provision of their support, building community and empowering young people. All the work we do fits into these objectives and we need people who empathise with our vision and values to help us achieve them. If you have any questions, please contact us on or 01908 646433.

Current Vacancies

Job Vacancy

There are no vacancies with Potential Plus UK at this time. Please keep checking here and on our social media if you are interested in working with us in the future.

Information about how Potential Plus UKs services have reached people May 2023-April 2024 in graphic form


Volunteers are an important and integral part of our charity and many services could not be delivered, locally or nationally, without a committed and active volunteer base. We provide opportunities for many different types of volunteering experience from supporting a local club, to working with children at one of our national events, to sitting on our Board of Trustees.

Web Chat & Enquiry Call Volunteer (Home-Based)

We are seeking volunteers to support parents and carers via our online web chat & initial phone call service. This involves taking enquiries from parents and carers via the web chat and/or over our online phone system about high learning potential children and providing information and signposting. We ask volunteers to commit to a slot of up to three hours (morning, afternoon or evening) on a weekly basis during term time.

Full training will be provided for the role. Training will consist of several online modules and, where possible, a face-to-face training session which is held on an annual basis.

If you would like further information about what is involved in this volunteer role, please email with Volunteer in the subject box to arrange an informal chat with the Advice Service Manager.

Event Supporters

Our national weekend events would simply not be possible without the support of volunteers registering families, helping in the children’s activities, serving refreshments, assisting with parking and a multitude of other tasks. Check our Events Diary for forthcoming national events and email the Events Coordinator on to ask for more information.

Board of Trustees

As a charity we have a Board of Trustees that oversees the work of the organisation. They currently meet online 6 times each year and for the Annual General Meeting which is now also held online in October/November. If are a member of Potential Plus UK or have a specific skill to offer, please email our Chair of Trustees at to request more information and an informal chat.

Become a Member

Families benefit from access to our advice line, the Members’ Area, our electronic resources, discounted events and our Focus newsletter.

Schools benefit from access to our advice line, online resources, members area, newsletter, workshops, webinars-on-demand, and associate family membership for their parents.